PPM DITY move and payment for PCS


New member
So I’m in the army and going in a PCS move from Texas - California. I did my PPM paperwork through the DPS website and I’m alotted “x” amount of $ for my move if I move the max weight. So I plan on moving the max weight to my new duty assignment. If I use my GTC for travel expenses and the amount is less than what’s on my DD2278 is giving me, will I still get paid my full voucher amount for “x” amount of $??

Also, I did receive my DLA advance. Just trying to utilize my PPM advance as well to cover fuel, lodging, etc… but I’d like to know if I’d still get paid out what was alotted for a 9,000lb move for 1400 miles.
@cralls Oh for sure, but let’s just say the receipts I keep end up being less than what the Army is giving me. Would I be able to receive that full voucher amount they were giving me from the beginning?
@ugaris Receipts or weight tickets? Military doesn’t care about receipts and how much it cost you to move. They care about the weight tickets and how much you moved. They pay out based off the weight you moved.
@ugaris The payment you get for a PPM isn’t a reimbursement. It’s an “incentive payment.” You will need weight tickets, and your incentive payment will be 100% of what it would have cost the government to move your stuff (up to the weight limit) in one shipment from the old duty station to the new duty station. I haven’t looked at the DPS recently, so I don’t know if the number shown there is an estimate or the final amount. Your personal property office should be able to confirm it.

You do need to save receipts for your deductible expenses but they don’t change the amount of your payment. They reduce your taxable income from the incentive payment. Anything above the deductible expenses is taxable.

The PPM incentive payment is meant only for your HHGs. Your travel voucher will cover mileage for your POV, food, lodging, temporary housing, and DLA.
@ugaris You get paid a set amount per pound. It’s weight and distance. Period. Then some for food and lodging but at a set rate also. Receipts don’t really matter.
@omandi111 Receipts do matter for reducing the taxable portion of the PPM payment.

Lodging receipts are also necessary for TLE, TLA, and if you’re flying. If you’re driving, they are not necessary for travel days since you get flat rate per diem those days.

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