PovertyFinanceNZ is (unfortunately) trending

@jd98 I'm guessing a bunch of kids have been pushed from. Wsb to qsb.

And this would be likely adjacent in the algorithm (complete guesses)
@jd98 I am a poor student. The money I get doesn't even allow me to insure myself.
I can afford rent, food, and utilities and then save for maintaining my car.
I get a haircut once every 6 months to save cost.

If I come across something useful, that would be nice to learn.
@jd98 Poverty finance isn't just for poor people.

Contrary to popular believes "rich" people got there by being smart / conservative with spending money.

If there are ways to minimise spending "rich" people tend to be more involved than "poor" people.

Rich people earned their money, esp in a country like NZ where government gives out so much tax payer's money, the "poor" who got their money for nothing don't appreciate the value of the dollar and tend to spend it more liberally.
@jesusislord1076 Ever heard of working poor? Ever heard of ‘passive income” where you don’t have to work and still get profit? Ever heard of INHERITANCE? So in your mind rich ppl=good and smart l, poor people - ignorant criminals?
rich ppl=good and smart l, poor people - ignorant criminals?

Only the sith deal in absolutes.

I suppose it's easier for the weak minded to look at things in a black and white manner.

But for a sec can you consider that comments on reddit aren't black and white and merely a generalization where it is 100% possible for people not to fill in a specific category.

Passive income isn't as easy as it sounds.

Investments can depreciate. It still takes time and effort to manage passive income.

I am curious where you got "criminals" from? Is this coming from your own bias? That kind of stereotypical attitude is frankly just sad. Look it's true alot of poor people are criminals. But they also farm cultural reports so......
@jesusislord1076 But your post was pretty much binary - you're either rich because you worked hard and spent wisely, or you're poor because the government gives you money so you don't appreciate the value of the dollar.

People can be rich because they were born into a position of great privilege. Not all rich people are like that by any means - there's all sorts of ways to becoming rich.

Similarly, people can be poor because they were born into a very disadvantaged position. Again, not all poor people etc. But not all poor people are beneficiaries, and not all beneficiaries spend unwisely.

I know a lot of people who work incredibly hard - multiple jobs, spending wisely - or as wisely as they can with their income - and are still on the poverty line. It's expensive being poor, and that's something that a lot of people who aren't in that position don't understand.
@lauris No I made a statement without a disclaimer. You made the assumption that it's binary.

I'm not the press secretary, I am on reddit.

People can be rich because they were born into a position of great privilege. Not all rich people are like that by any means - there's all sorts of ways to becoming rich.

Similarly, people can be poor because they were born into a very disadvantaged position. Again, not all poor people etc. But not all poor people are beneficiaries, and not all beneficiaries spend unwisely.

What you want a shocked pikachu face?

I know a lot of people who work incredibly hard - multiple jobs, spending wisely - or as wisely as they can with their income - and are still on the poverty line. It's expensive being poor, and that's something that a lot of people who aren't in that position don't understand.

With minimum wage as high as it is in NZ they are doing something wrong. They are prob doing multiple jobs because they are doing 5 hours per job per week.

I love how people like you are trying to dissect a general comment I made on reddit when anyone with a full brain can reasonably make the assumption that clearly my statement doesn't include 100% of the population. No statement can when it comes to wealth and how people got there.

But I suppose poor people too lazy to work and getting free taxpayer's money have all the time in the world to complain.
@jesusislord1076 I like how you are making a range of assumptions about people who are struggling, while accusing people of making assumptions about your comments.

Anyway, it's too nice a day to spend arguing on the internet with strangers. We come from entirely different perspectives and I very much doubt either of us will convince the other of our perspective.

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