PovertyFinanceNZ is (unfortunately) trending

@aturtle Or people who, like me, believe in spending money wisely. Everyone should be careful how they spend. The profits of fast food, alcohol, tobacco and lotto say they don’t.
@dadon I'm on 80k and wonder how tf anyone on a lower salary manages, especially if they're not in a de facto relationship

I've literally taken up intermittent fasting because groceries are ridiculous
@mira I'm on 120k, and wonder the same thing. Trying to save for a house for me and my two kids and partner, but it's getting harder and harder. At least I can entertain the dream I guess, some people don't even bother doing that.
@holy_venom95 No I meant it in the way of bills being halved, double the spare money for when shit goes wrong, if you're able to save, that's two of you saving etc.
@jd98 I’m currently visiting NZ from Australia.. I thought our supermarket prices were bad but you guys are getting screwed even harder!
@jd98 If you post on the NZ sub or read it or any NZ subs this will pop up on your feed.

Everyone's hurting and apparently according to the NZ sub we need to tax everyone more to fix it.

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