Poverty rate declines in all age groups in Canada / Le taux de pauvreté diminue pour tous les groupes d’âge au Canada

@nichola1970 No Idea.

There was a study from the 70s that showed that there was no reduction in people seeking work, and the more recent one in Ontario was scrapped before completion.

But even though they showed that they help ed recipients in one town, doesn't mean that it then scales to a provincial or federal level, because expanding the program could lead to some inflation that then acts against the UBI. this doesn't mean that UBI is a bad idea, just taht there are risks that are unknown.
@nichola1970 Most likely yes. Does it help the recipients? Absolutely. UBI would allow for a few different things, likely income while attending school or eliminating child care costs and positions and shortages in available spaces.

The reason though that it gets muddy to study over years, is it often lifts many out of poverty and over hurdles — and they no longer stay in the poverty gutter low income bracket even. Given the opportunity, people finally find time to better themselves, when less worried about basic survival requirements. From education to opening opportunity for further travel to work, allowing them to find a higher paying job, or ability to live in a lower cost environment, because suddenly they can afford transportation — be it a basic car and expenses associated vs being slave to transit schedules and availability… to goingnand upgrading a skill training, because you have the extra few $$ to invest in that tuition, or to pay for food and rent while studying and not working as many hours / at all… which leads (hopefully) to a middle-class salary after a few months / years — so studying them as “poverty level” becomes difficult.
@guitarrandy An opponent of ubi would say that it was these policies that caused the inflation we are seeing today. Of course it’s more complicated than that but, as there are more dollars in the systems it forces prices up.
@guitarrandy Poverty is a feature of capitalism not a bug. Ubi does not fix that as corporations are built extract as much profit as possible.

So giving everyone ubi doesn’t make everyone richer as it eventually just funnels into the pockets of corporations. As such to fix poverty you would need to have a more systematic fix. What that is I don’t know.
@tim617x UBI is probably better than QE for when the market is down to get money in the hands of the people instead of the corps, even though eventually it will go to the corps it's a bit more power in our hands.
@sal4 I agrée with you there but unfortunately central banks love QE as it’s a way to stimulate the economy with our causing Inflation or atleast it was.
@bleu999 Does it though? Let’s play your scenario out. If you tax all wealth over $1B and out it I to UBI you haven’t fixed any of the underlying causes for poverty and you just get more Inflation as prices will keep going up as the people who actually run the corporations aren’t the billionaires getting the money they just see their profit margins increase. Then all you get is run away Inflation.
Unfortunately fixing poverty isn’t a simple as giving everyone more money. It’s a result of the systems we have in place that funnel money to the top.
@tim617x “But I have 10mm VND in my wallet… doesn’t that make me a millionaire? I could easily go get another 50mm if needed….” Giving everyone thousands more, just makes the $1000 worth less. Like how $50s are the new $20s — wallets full of them and they disappear like nothing!
@resjudicata Spain does the same thing....

Also it would likely just target corporation wealth. So if the millionaire wants to make money he's gotta play by the rules.
@bleu999 You do realize that they are billions because they offer value to people or are very good with money. Your plan is to transfer that to a government that would lose 3/4 of it to admin costs and then take years to flow it back. Is that really a good idea?
@bleu999 Don’t you drive a car? Take public transportation? Live in a building? Use a toilet? Cook/buy foods? Have a computer? Buy clothes? Wear shoes?

All of these are the state they are in because of companies pushing for profit. Feel free to go live in a country without capitalism but I doubt you would last a year.
@bleu999 Government corps are generally very inefficient…

Yes there are plenty of entrepreneurs, they do amazing work. But for a lot of large scale items they are unable to produce enough products in a short enough time frame - hence billionaires.

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