

New member
Hey there ladies and gents, hope y’all are having a great and hopefully can help me as well. Recently I drove over a pothole causing damages to my vehicle and now they’re claiming that it’s a collision. I was under the impression it would be comprehensive as I didn’t technically hit any objects other than the road. Correct if wrong and thank you in advance 🙏. I don’t have any accidents so I’d rather not have a collision related incident on my history.
@sirenoftherocks It's an at fault accident, as you collided with a pot hole.

Same thing if you swerve to miss a car/animal in the road and you hit a fence. I don't ever want anyone to intentionally hit an animal, but a little fur on the bumper makes it a lot less your fault than plowing into a fence when you swerve.
@sirenoftherocks I recall a man who got a bent rim in detroit and was reimbursed by the city, but it took forever. And this was years ago.

It's the government's job to create safe roads, tho. I'd call the road commission.
@rocky24 Depends on the municipality. Large cities in the Upper Midwest generally do - I know for sure that Chicago and Detroit do, and I've heard that parts of the Minneapolis area do as well.

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