Possible investment options


New member
F (29) based in Bengaluru, earning between 15- 20 Lakhs p.a. (13 from fixed salary and rest from consultancy and therefore flexible) is married to M (30) who earns between (36 - 45 Lakhs p.a.(32 from fixed salary and rest from consultancy).
With regards to our investment We only have the following:
My partner puts 1.5 L in PPF and .5L in NPS every year
I put 31000 Rs in mutual funds every month.

We have zero financial knowledge. Please advise regarding some investment options We should consider.

Regarding our responsibilities We have no kids and have no plan to conceive one till some years. We have our parents to take care of and need to keep aside some money for a siblings wedding.
@cleansoul Tbh, this is not the right way for you to do financial planning for such a big earning. I wud recommend you find a fee only financial advisor. You can check out the wiki page of the reddit sub " indiainvestments".

Else you can visit website "investyadnya" where you can get financial advisory services for a fee.

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