Possible improper diagnosis hindering disability coverage


New member
Hi all!

During a sleep study 7 years ago, i was diagnosed with suffering a single "wide complex tachycardia" event. Following the study, i followed up with a heart specialist who performed a rigorous battery of tests, all of which were negative (aside from the odd irregular beat that he was not concerned with). I've since had 3 electrocardiograms during various insurance application processes, which i assume were negative as no one ever contacted me with concerns that should be addressed by a specialist (would this be the policy for health services hired by insurance companies)?

I've now been denied disability coverage from 3 insurance providers without any explanation. I assume it's because of the tachycardia event on my record. Insurers do not seem to consider that i've lost 45 lbs since my original test (weight has been steady for 5 years) and that follow-up tests are not showing any cardiac concerns.

So my question is, how do i "prove" that the original event was an improper diagnosis or, what do i have to do to get the diagnosis struck from my medical record?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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