Possible 1st X Home-buying Family of 6 SF Bay Area


New member
Hi everyone! First time posting. Possible first time homebuyer 2 adults and 4 kids (2, over 12 and 2, 8-11 yo).

Until recently, we felt compelled to stay in our current area (one of most expensive counties in the U.S.) close to SF, with high cost of living and a 2 bed apt average cost over $3k/mo and we are in a 2-bed. My son w/special needs had a scholarship for a private school but he no longer does. This has freed us up to consider moving somewhere more cost effective.

Both my husband and my jobs are able to be 80-90% remote starting in July. We are considering moving farther out (2 hour commute) where home prices are not so crazy and they are building housing stock for around $500k for a 4-5 bed/2-3ba home. We have close friends there and our kids are getting older (one created an entire PPT presentation on why we should move somewhere and buy a house with more space/bedrooms). He had a lot of really good points for the social/emotional well-being of himself and his siblings.

Combined gross income we make about $215k annually, we have Roth Ira’s we can use toward earnest/down payment, but we have $40k in cc debt and my husband pays almost $800/month in student loans. I know we can afford the monthly mortgage payment because we have been paying the same amount in rent and a lot more with all the utilities/parking/extra charges our corporate landlord uses to hike our costs. Should we consider buying? Other homes in the area that were bought 5-6 yrs ago are making a profit selling now of $100k+. Another option is we find a house to rent with more space in our current area, but it is really hard to even find places to rent here that have more than 2 bedrooms and especially that are in the same school district.

Thank you for your time and sharing thoughts!
@lizaz2112 Need some additional info:
  • State of liquid cash/emergency fund?
  • Interest rate on the CC?
  • Outstanding student loan amount & interest rate?
Not gonna be the answer you were hoping for... Napkin math says you'll need to throw down $100k on a $500k house to match your current rent expense, which is better served paying off the CC. Two hours north of the bay gets hot AF, expect your PG&E bill to be $300-$500/mo just to keep your house in the upper 70's. Parking charges will be replaced with Home Depot charges, stuff always needs fixing.

Option #3 is to rent out where you intend to move, guarantee your buck goes further. Pay off debt & stack chips until you're in a stronger position to buy.
@lizaz2112 I think it depends on where you would move as well. Sac can be nice but a lot of the smaller cities around there get hot and are pretty boring to live in
  • cash/emergency fund is around $20 K
  • CC interest rate is not great, variable and 15%
    -student loans are over $160k and we work in non profit so in another 5 years he will qualify for federal Loan forgiveness
There will be solar panels as most in the area have them.
We are actually renting two apartments for more space and because husband works from home a lot and needs office/quiet space. So our total in rent is $5,500, not including water/sewer/garbage based on a formula and not actual usage ($600/mo total), other fees $400/month.

Looking at new build, possibly, so assuming g we get a good inspector pre drywall, fixes are made, etc., hopefully not too many major costs the first few years since furnace, etc will all be new.

Yeah, I know it isn’t ideal. This wasn’t our goal and it’s all sudden. May be good to put it off a year or two and focus on paying down debts/saving. That was our initial goal before he lost his school placement.

Thank you!

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