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My husband and I met with our agent and ended up talking about life insurance. I honestly thought we would have discussed it more in depth once the agent left. However my husband ended up cutting a check and us signing an application? I assume. Now we have an appointment next week with a nurse to do some sort of physical. Here’s my thing. I do not smoke/vape nicotine. I have one vape that is 0% nicotine. What does this mean for me when time comes to do the blood work? I did a phone interview and they asked if I used products with nicotine and told them no. My husband was a smoker but he quit about 2-3 weeks ago, the agent said so long as he wasn’t an active smoker. But would it still show as if he was an active smoker? Since he only recently quit. I’m just trying to figure out what to expect.
@remnant502 Listen to the questions during the exam very closely. You almost certainly don’t need to admit to using nicotine products since you don’t use nicotine.

Your husband may not be a current smoker but he will be required to answer the nicotine question yes because it will ask about use in the past 12 months.

Lying on these questions is grounds for denial of a claim. Frankly the fact that your agent was willing to tell you to lie would make me question what else they were not being honest about. It suggests they’re more interested in a commission than whether or not the claim will get paid should something terrible happen.

But I’m an underwriter who deals with contestable claims so my view on this topic is jaded because I’ve been a part of claims that get denied for nicotine misrepresentation.
@hannahjane Yeah when he said he wasn’t worried about my husband not being a smoker. I was like well I mean if you are not worried about it are you looking at higher premiums because he has smoked within the past 12 months. I just feel like it was all too rushed. We didn’t have an opportunity to discuss it in depth and honestly it’s very overwhelming. I think he got a 20 YT policy but I don’t even understand. I work in insurance but not life so this isn’t my specialty so it’s pretty much Greek to me
@dinkold Would he have a better outcome if he waited longer? The nurses are down right aggressive when it comes to scheduling these. I think she is coming on a Sunday? Which I am not a fan of but she pretty much didn’t give me an option
@dinkold That is poor advice, that is knowingly committing fraud just an fyi. Nicotine in the bloodstream or not they are going to ask the question of any tobacco or nicotine usage in the last 12 months. He will be a smoker rating. Also the agent is knowingly coaching and that is 100% a fireable offense and can get his license yanked.
@remnant502 If you disclosed your vape usage during your conversation with the agent and if they're a broker with access to multiple products and carriers, they likely chose a company where you vape issue is a non-issue.

As far as the paramed exam with the nurse, you answer yes or no explicitly to what is asked. As someone noted, do listen carefully to the timeframe that's asked and what's asked about.

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