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I am going to make this as detailed and short as possible, here is my problem.

I live in Southwest Tennessee in or around 2011 my wife and I bought a life insurance policy to my recollection we paid a lump sum for. My wife always handled paperwork and things of that nature because she was better at it than me and at the time, I did not pay very much attention to the details of things I suppose because I had the “that will never happen to me mentality” hard lesson learned. My wife passed away in 2020 apparently within the two weeks prior to her passing while I was at the hospital with her someone (oldest stepdaughter) broke into our home and stole the small fireproof safe box we kept the insurance paperwork in. in order to either change the beneficiary or just to prevent me from getting the proceeds not sure which one I would presume to change the beneficiary. The life insurance policy was the last thing on my mind at the time but the first thing on hers, I did not even think of it until while speaking with the funeral director I was instructed to bring identifying documents and any life insurance policies we may have had. I went to retrieve the safe box and it was gone I informed local law Enforcment the police chief and myself tore the house apart looking for it with no avail therefore a report was filed. While at the funeral home it was obvious enough that even the funeral director made the statement “oh they got it” referring to my two stepdaughters. The only things I can recall about the policy was that a nurse come to our home to draw blood and administer drug test, I remember at one point while she was there the nurse made a comment about “The General” I responded with "oh the little guy on T.V." and she jokingly replied “no not that general” she performed her duties and left and I went back to work. A couple of weeks or so later we received the policy in two copies, one with my name on it and one with hers. I laid mine in the box, she laid hers in the box, then closed and locked it and that is the last time I remember seeing them. I do not remember the name of the company because, as I said, I did not pay a lot of attention at the time. I have since contacted the NAIC as well as the state insurance office which does not keep records of life insurance in Tennessee and referred me back to NAIC which I have received some names of companies, but they are older policies, and none have anything with my info just hers. The police refuse to help pretty much because of not having the company information to supply proof. If the beneficiary were changed, if it were possible, it would have been under duress while my wife was in the hospital or by forgery, illegal, nonetheless. My question is how can I recover the company I have tried everything I can think of besides paying someone or hiring an attorney going from a two-income household to just me I do not have any money left after paying bills and trying to survive. Does anyone here know what company licensed in Southwest Tennessee around 2011 would be known as A.K.A. “The General” to which the nurse referred to? Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
@jordynnm91 Sorry to hear about this. American general life insurance aka AIG is a common one. They have since rebranded to corebridge. The best bet is to check the bank account. The policy had to be paid for so following the money would be the best option. Options include:
  1. Request copies of the bank statement from month of your wife's passing back to 2 year before. Go through each transaction until you find it. Call anything that looks unfamiliar.
  2. If you have a physical bank branch, make an appointment and have someone assist you.
  3. Call the call center/telephone support and have them go through statements with you.
Most people pay monthly for life insurance but there are also options for quarterly, semi-annual and annual payments.

Once you have found the company, you call them and see if anything was changed on the policy. If not, you're good just file a claim. If so, you need to find out who the beneficiary was changed to and when it was changed. If your wife had already passed, that's easy just provide the death certificate showing she passed before the date of the change and they can investigate it as fraud. If she hadn't passed, they can still investigate but it will be much more difficult.

Here's the thing you need to be prepared for, if they can establish who it was you may need to file charges or allow the insurance company to press charges in order to recover any money paid out of receive the payout due to you. If you don't press charges, most financial institutions can not / will not do anything.

Hope this helps. If someone works in claims or back office for a life insurance company, please supplement with additional info or fix anything I may have mixed up . Thanks.
If your wife had already passed, that's easy just provide the death certificate showing she passed before the date of the change and they can investigate it as fraud.

This is the answer that should make OP feel better...

Your oldest stepdaughter possessing the physical policy is pretty meaningless. Whoever the carrier has on file as the most recent beneficiary is the one getting the death benefit, and the beneficiary can't be changed after the date of death.

You mentioned that you paid a lump sum for it. That would likely be a fairly sizeable check so it may be worth your while to have the bank pull the original transaction to see the name of the company.
@qity Problem is i can't remember the name of the insurance company the policy was purchased from. I contacted the bank for the account we had at that time it was a joint account. the bank stated they switched from hard records to computer records since then and they could not go back as far as 2011 in their records. I find it hard to believe myself. It was the two weeks prior to her death that is in question as to the possibility of the beneficiary change.
@beaud20 I contacted AIG and the state Insurance office did as well. AIG stated they had no records of neither me or my wife, although I found a link in an app that was to AIG with log in info. i contacted AIG once again and was told I would receive contact after 24-48 hours its been over a week ago now and still have not received anything, they will not respond at all to me now.
@jordynnm91 I'd start working with the bank to track down that check. May take a while if you truly paid lump sum. It's also possible, you all were paying 1 yr at a time. But have your bank help you track down large transaction amounts going back to 2010 or as far back as those records go. You may have written a check so that may make it easier to check.
@jordynnm91 AIG's Customer service is the absolute WORST. They say everything is a "7-10 business day" turnaround, and I've found that no one is trained correctly and they all have different answers.
@boynee I can 100% confirm that the Corebridge Financial reps I manage to speak to are 100% useless. Every call I make ends up accomplishing nothing. They continually come up with another unreasonable task I need to do after I follow their exact instructions. Their website contact forms have been broken for at least four months. I've spent months dealing with their nonsense. AVOID COREBRIDGE FINANCIAL aka AIG aka VALIC!

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