Please critique my plan to become a software developer and move to a town with cheap housing in 5-10 years where I can work from home

@scottybinslc Maybe, but I think Australia and NZ are a bit more robust, definitely Australia. It’s more that there is still a big shortage of skills that are preventing projects from being delivered or started. But usually senior roles.
@tboss Yeah that's right. That's one of the reasons I mentioned that to OP as he is merely starting as an intern now, not even a junior. It will be pretty tough climbing up to a senior level while hoping to be able to wfh. I also heard the non-tech jobs in IT sector will get impacted worse.
@kayvin You don't need 5-10 years to get a dev job

Try to shift your career to something relevant as soon as feasible + not taking a huge paycut. By doing that you'll be getting experience that's more valuable than most courses, while also getting paid for it. You could still do courses in the evening if you like

This will also mean you get that in-person experience and build those relationships that you will need once you're working remotely. It's difficult to start in a job remotely
@kayvin It makes sense on paper, but life isn’t like what’s on paper. What if you hate the town, or don’t like software development after a year? You sound like you need an OE and find yourself …

I’d probably build a portfolio up behind your new job from the inner city and move to an awesome town you’ve visited.

Also why does it have to be NZ? Remote can be overseas too.
@kayvin I have a sister who lives in the wops for her work (which is what you're suggesting for 300k). She likes it but the social isolation from family and friends gets to her, she has to spend a fair bit of coin and time for plane tickets etc to spend time with friends and family, so she isn't saving as much as she probably thought she could. There's not many people out there who could handle the isolation without suffering from loneliness and depression.
@joinfree That's a fair point. There are cheap places that are only an hour's drive from a major town/city but if you have family living in Auckland and you live in Gore or whatever then yeah that could be a problem.
@kayvin It's always good to have a plan in life, but understand that it won't always go as you plan.

Being able to adapt and respond positively to change is very important in this day and age.

Also if you can handle the amount of screen/keyboard time you need to put in, then by all means. Being sufficient in coding means multiple languages and background tech also e.g. Cloud.

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