Please advice if I should contact my AAA insurance for this. TIA


New member
What happened: I hit the back of a truck at a stop sign. The truck was fine, absolutely no damage to it. On the other hand, my Prius was damaged badly. The truck driver was OK. After checking and saw no damage on his truck, we agree to went on our way.

Initially, I decided to pay for the repair by myself. The reason for that was because I deliver for Amazon using my own car, and I was afraid AAA would drop me if they see the high milage on my car (almost 80k miles in 2.5 years).

But now that the estimate is almost $3.5k and it probably will increase after they do the thorough check, I am having a second thought about paying it myself.

If anyone here has experience with this situation before, please give me your advice. I'm so broke and without the car, I cannot work anymore.

Thank you.

P/S: please excuse my poor English. English is my second language, and I'm trying my best to make it as clear as possible.

Here is the picture of my damaged Prius:

@jaygirl AAA, or most personal insurances, will not cover you when you are being paid to transport goods or people. AAA also probably would drop you for that. I would recommend contacting Amazon as your employer at the time of loss.

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