PLDT whiffs as Q1 net income down 12% y/y, capex on chopping block (Friday, May 8)


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Happy Friday, Barkada --​

The PSE closed up 14 points to 5654 [▲0.25%].​

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COVID Update​

WW:  3903965  ▲1%
PH:  10343  ▲3%

Top 3 MB indices:​

 #COVID-19   ▲2.63%
 POGO Prop.  ▲1.93%
 D30 Targets ▲1.64%

Bottom 3 MB indices:​

 Telco       ▼3.10%
 2019 IPOs   ▼2.64%
 POGO Gaming ▼2.01%

Main stories covered:​

  1. China Bank posts Q1 net income increase of 19% y/y
  2. Philippine GDP actually shrank 0.2% in Q1; the first contraction since the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis
  3. Robinsons Land posts Q1 net income gain of 82% y/y
  4. PLDT posts Q1 net income decrease of 12% y/y

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Merkado Barkada is a daily email newsletter covering all the stocks, bonds, companies, characters, and issues that make up the Philippine Stock Exchange. I don't make any money from MB, I don't use affiliate links or anything to trick people, and I don't sell email addresses for quick pesos. I simply like researching news and writing about current events in a way that helps my friends, family, and barkada to understand more easily what is happening.

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@minnie19 That's my thinking; it's like... some of the companies are trying hard to make it look like they aren't suffering, so apply accounting tricks, and then others are making moves that cause drops now because how much worse can it hurt?

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