planning on opening second s&s isa, need advice.


New member
I have an h&l s&s isa with some funds i particuary like. is it possible to open a 2nd isa with a cheaper provider in 24/25, and keep the h&l ticking over, as long as I only pay into the new one ?

if yes, in the h&l, could I buy and sell funds with money already in the wrapper as long as I dont add money to it ?

reasoning. I want to save money on fees for global index products, so want to move to cheaper platform, but dont want to have to sell other funds I like in h&l.
@hoosierrn HL does cap their platform fee for ETFs.

From April you'll be allowed to pay into multiple ISAs each tax year.

Once money is in an ISA you can buy & sell as much as you want.

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