pillar 3a FTSE All-World strategy


New member
Hey guys,
I‘m 24 and pretty new to investing and recently started buying the Invesco FTSE All-World on Neon, because it can be bought without transaction fees and Neon has no custody fees. I also want to start putting money into my pillar 3a and created an account on finpension as it offers individual portfolio options and doesn’t force you to have 40% of your money in swiss currency. I was thinking I‘d also go for a strategy similar to the FTSE All-World to have a well diversified global portfolio. How would you create something similar to the FTSE All-World on finpension?

I was thinking about putting around

87% into Swisscanto (CH) IPF | Index Equity
Fund World ex CH NT CHF

12% Swisscanto (CH) Index Equity Fund
Emerging Markets NT CHF

I could also add like 2-3% Switzerland Total as it‘s not included in the others.
Also these funds do not include small caps if I‘m correct?

I‘d like to hear some opinions on my ideas. Thanks everyone.
@p1saint2 I have a very similar setup (FTSE All-World with neon, MSCI Quality factor on finpension). Your DM/EM distribution sounds about right (EM are more like 10% though).

You could add 2% CH, but you likely have a 2nd pillar (Pensionskasse), which usually has a massive home bias (mine has 50% of stocks in CH). For that reason I don't invest 3a money in CH stocks.

No, Small Caps are not included. But there are funds for DM Small Caps on finpension I believe.
@quant Correct, Finpension has a global small cap fund, I have similar: 10% small cap, 10% emerging markets, rest in global passive. Also no Swiss for similar reasons as you

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