Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

@y0ung1996 Been there to ask about something else and they were surprisingly inactive. Maybe if I wrote it in German but I don't really think it would help much.

I already got more direct messages from users after this post than all the comments to the ones I made on these subs.
@resjudicata Depends on the field. Usually you get a 65% E13 position which is 1740€ net. Every year you get roughly 100€ more. 30 days of vacation and an additional 0.5 salary december.
@james2333 Nope, that's not how it works bro. Pensions in AT are way higher cause of slightly different mechanisms and because the employer pays also significantly more. Please check your facts.

Taxes are lower.

Social security pays are lower, pensions are still higher.
@james2333 You can do all that. There is also an option of bildungskarenz after your PhD.
My austrian university generously contributed to second pension pillar as well.
For me the salary was great and I managed to continously save about 1/4 of it, while occasionaly eating out, going for drinks etc...
@buju Will you be employed according to the „TV-L“These are usually the E13 positions and then you should get them. If you are here on a stipend, you will not receive it.

If 98 is your birthdate and you are already at you PhD congratulations! :D

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