Personal and Commercial insurance question.


New member
Hi, I run a small auto detailing business in Ontario Canada where I use my car to sometimes pick up clients vehicles or to do mobile details. I ended up purchasing commercial liability coverage last year for obvious reasons. I also have personal insurance on my car as well. Is it normal to be paying full coverage for both insurances if my driving is 50% business and 50% personal?
@afriend333 do you have a commercial policy or a commercial auto policy? They're two separate things.

If you were my client, I would set you up with a commercial liability policy for your business and then I would write you an auto policy that has stated 50% business use. Are you saying that you have 2 separate auto policies for one vehicle?
@afriend333 This to me sounds like you have a fleet policy, without actually looking at your policy that's what I would assume. But to have 2 separate policies for one veh sounds sketchy. If I were you I would take your policies into another company, explain what you do and what you have and ask for their advice on what the would offer you instead. It's hard for me to give actual advice on reddit as there is a lot of information missing (not your fault, I would just rather see what they have set up for you before commenting)
@afriend333 In QC, one policy for the automobile even if it’s for business and personal usage. We then make another auto policy for the vehicles that are confided to you by clients. There will usually be a third policy for general liability.

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