People who fly business class, why and how much do you earn??


New member
Was talking to my boss about this, he earns about $500k and yet has never flown business in his life. If I was in his situation I wouldn’t either, I’d just stay in a nicer hotel.

I have also never flown business class in my life although I earn a lot less than him.

People who do is it really worth 4 times economy???

Lastly, I do totally get a points upgrade, that’s different. I requested one for an upcoming trip (probably won’t get it though) , but I’d never spend actual money on it.
@roberto0562 My mum is/was a nurse and owns a small business that earns pretty decently in the home country. She earns very well by home country standards, not so much by Australian standards, but she lives there now. She flies business long haul because she’s over 50 now and has slummed it out in economy for long enough. It wasn’t uncommon for her to travel like three times return to Sydney and back, back in the day. Long haul travel is real harsh on your body, especially once you get older. Now that she travels less long-haul, she always flies business to save her body. I’m sure she’s not the only person over 50 who’s made this decision lol
@whoami_aghost My uncle’s (when she was alive some 10 years ago) 80something year old mother used to fly business from Australia to England/Scotland every other year. Same reasonings as your mother, economy was too harsh on her body so she paid for business flights return when she visited family.
@whoami_aghost My mum is in her 60s now and travels business whenever she comes to visit. She is not wealthy but has a decent pension. She says that the extra leg room and share folding down into a bed, really helps with the long haul flight.
@alaina Context. While the comment doesn't explicitly state it, the woman in her 60s is likely to find it more important than a 30 y.o. when deciding on business vs economy.
@gne5 Yup, in the same boat. Managed to accumulate over 1.5m over about 8 years churning like no tomorrow.

Got my partner on it and have been flying internationally in business only using points the last couple of years. Also we mainly fly to HKG, where’s a lot more availability compared to trying to get a reward seat to LA or Heathrow.
@roberto0562 I'm nearing 50 and starting to think about business class on long haul overnight flights. Mainly because I struggle to sleep sitting up. But I have no interest in forking out the cash for anything under 8 hours. I will just avoid shorter overnight flights instead.
@roberto0562 I work for an airline and fly business often due to staff fares. Mind you, Tickets are standby and you need to time it right to make sure you get on board.
Most pax on business are either, as the name would suggest, paid-by-business travellers. Some pay with points, some are upgraded, rest are staff. Very rarely does someone pay full price; which is the case with first class as well.
@roberto0562 I churn credit cards specifically so i can fly business. It might not be worth it in terms of cash outlay, but if you can do it with minimal dollar per point, the comfort and convenience is significantly worth it.
@roberto0562 I assume you’re meaning domestic business class? Because international business class is amazing. Getting a full on bed on a 20 hour flight is grand
@roberto0562 My salary is no where near as much as that, but if a flight is longer than an average working day, I will fly business. Otherwise, a stop over and I’ll go to a lounge. Food is better, comfort is better, service is better.
@roberto0562 Business class, because the business pays for it.

I was once told I had to be in London asap, Nek Minit I'm on a 24 hour flight via Tokyo and I recall the cost was not dissimilar to purchasing a new compact car.

I'm sure it was written off on tax somehow.
@roberto0562 We have paid for business a few times in the past few years for long trips to europe as we got used to it from travelling on points. Once you get used to the level of comfort it's hard to go back to economy on long haul. Plus it's much easier with a toddler when you have much more space. Now that award flights are harder to get we end up paying full fare at least once a year, although it's been twice this past year.

We are in a similar position as your boss income wise and it doesn't really impact our finances if we spend 20-25k for flights once or twice a year.

Looking at friends it's clear that people spend money in different places. Some of our friends drive high end cars but still take economy whereas we are the opposite. So it's really a matter of priorities if you know you are still hitting your savings goals.
@roberto0562 Flew business a couple of times because I had access to standby flights when a family member worked for an airline. Great experience when flying long distance, super comfy and the whisky was free flowing but I would never pay full price for that shit, absolutely waste of money at full price.

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