Pension benefit amounts for 2024 releases

@phillev Nice try, pension office. I'm still not making those voluntary makeup payments. And I'll start withdrawing absolutely as soon as I possibly can when I get older.
@bearcrossfx That’s fine. No problem. Just understand that you are choosing to have lower payouts than you could have otherwise received, so please don’t complain that it’s too low.

Love from,

The Pension Office.
@phillev Thanks for the write up!

A question comes to mind. I plan to retire in Japan so this doesn’t really affect me based on my current retirement plans, but curious for others….

Does the pension Annuity still increase annually for those residing outside Japan? Or does it get “frozen” (similar to the UK state pension for those residing outside the UK/a country with an agreement with Uk)
@rogueebear As far as I can see, there is no mention anywhere that different people receive different amounts based on personal circumstances such as having moved abroad, so I am to assume that the payout increases are the same for everyone regardless of where they live.
@saintnick Looking at the title and the URL, I thought it was going to be a sales pitch for high fee insurance. Turns out it’s a sales pitch for iDeco (which I have joined and support, but also has not insignificant fees).

There are a few twisted facts in there, like it implies that in the future you will have to take your pension from 75, whereas the fact is you can choose to take it at any time between 60 and 75, with significantly increased payouts if you delay your pension. It also implies that pension payouts have started going down, failing to mention that this data was taken from a year with deflation. Finally, it also implies that because of the declining population that pension premiums will have to go up significantly to cover the difference, without mentioning the existence of the GPIF.

So yeah, a fear based article written for the purpose of getting you to sign up for iDeco, of which they presumably are getting some kickback.

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