[Pennsylvania] When did the extra $300 start in PA and why am I still missing a payment from 1/2-1/9?


New member
I have received payments since 1/2-1/9 but I heard that other people were also getting the $300 extra by this time.

I have no idea when the $300 extra started in PA because I haven't received it. I know some have and others have not, so will this be back paid?

You can't find any information on the PA unemployment website about this or even call anyone.
@alyss I was freaking out I thought I got scammed I had two UC payments left..And next its 20,i hope send 300..But then I don't if we go EB or PEUC...I Thought I scammed because they called me, to ask if I work and I said no, it was there number but she never asked the last 4 digits...Next day I got follow up call. When I frozen I used a webpage Philadelphia Unemployment Project everything seem ok, but 300 usually here. I checked sight regular payment is tommorow unless come with that

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