[PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues


New member
Hi, this is my first time with unemployment and dealing with it all.

I was laid off from my prior Job due to lack of work (I have texts from my boss that back this up) in mid February.

I worked part time in College, but still met the minimum hours needed to gain the credit weeks needed.

Currently there are 5 outstanding claims issues that seem to be holding things up, but i have no idea why they are there in the first place.

There are 2 Issues for Pensions _one from employer X and one N/A, one for School/Training (N/A), one for Seperation reason mismatch (employer Y), and one for Missing Wages (N/A)

I havent been to work or recieved any wages since i was laid off.

I was laid off from employer X, not Y, so i dont see how that would affect things, Im not recieving any pensions; I was laid off due to lack of work, not to go to school/training; and i havent earned any wages since i was laid off

So this all leads to the question of what do i even do? The PA resources give little to no help/explanation, and im at a loss of what to do

EDIT: I was approved. After calling my local rep on monday, I got a call from the UC office saying it was being expedited within the hour. After that i was approved on Friday evening
@tankdriver Each one of the close Open Issues with the exception of the Separation Mismatch is based on an answer you provided on the initial application.

The separation from Employer Y can matter if you have not earned sufficient wages at Employer X to purge a disqualifying separation. That stop is on the claim for a human to verify you earned 6X (times) your UC weekly benefit amount with Employer X.

You answered Yes to the question that asked “Are you or will you in the next months receive any payments or distributions from a pension or retirement plan”. That’s where the Pension issue came from. Retirement plan distributions are deductible from UC benefits in many cases.

School/Training issue is due to answering Yes to the question asking are you attending or planning to attend school or training. An affirmative answer brings into question whether or not you are “able and available” for full time employment.

Missing Wages issue can be triggered a few different ways but two most common ways are when the claimant files the initial application within the same calendar week as their last day of work, but when they certified for that week they did not report any wages which the software knows is likely wrong based on the date you provided for your last day of work, or the claimant indicated they worked when certifying a week but then provided no amount for wages earned.
@hogstar So this begs the question of where do I go from here? I don't recall selecting yes for the pension questions in the initial claim application
Do I wait things out? Or do I try calling then and get things sorted on monday?
@tankdriver How to get it fixed is going to depend on whether or not you a determination from an Examiner for any of these issues.

Typically the separation reason mismatch would require adjudication unless you have the 6x earnings I mentioned. When did you start working at the job you were laid off from? I need to know to figure out whether or not the 6X earnings is showing in wage record or if you would need to upload some documentation prior to speaking with an Interviewer. If the Interviewer can see proof of the 6x, they should be able to quash the separation mismatch.

If you are not actually receiving any type of payout from a retirement plan, you might be able to get an Interviewer to quash that issue as well. Check your message inbox on your dashboard to see if a Pension Fact Finding was sent out yet. Likely not, so you would need to ask the Interviewer to either take it over the phone from you or at least send it to your messages so you can explain it was mistake.

An Interviewer can also handle the Missing Wages issue. Even if there was unreported wages, they can be added to your certifications since payments are being held right now.
@hogstar I was hired in july of 2022. My weekly unemployment is $217 I made over $5000 at the employer that kaid me off based on my w2 for the year of 2022. I'm not receiving any type of retirement plan and no pension fact finding was sent out.
My last day working there was 2/11 (a saturday). Inwas laid off on 2/13 and I filed unemployment on 2/14 and was paid for that day on 2/16
@tankdriver Beautiful. 3rd and 4th quarter of 2022 have already been reported to the state and will be visible in wage record, so no need to upload documents.

My suggestion is contact your local PA CareerLink office and request an appointment with a UC Rep. They are usually in there two days a week by appointment only. Get that set.

In the meantime, try getting through by phone. Monday and Tuesday are highest call volume. Start calling at 8am as soon as they open the lines. Consider downloading an Autodialer App. Pack a lunch and keep dialing until you get in the queue.

You know what the issues are with your claim so you’ll be able to speak to them concisely with the Interviewer.
@hogstar OK. Thank you so much for your help. You've been a huge help. Thankfully I don't have class until 12 tomorrow so I know what my morning is going to be
@hogstar So thankfully PA has a live chat function, so i was able to get right in with that. 4 of the 5 issues were solved. The missing wages was bc my work set a recall date for 3/15, but i wasnt recalled. the pension issues were based on my (very small) 401k with my last employer. The mismatch was solved.

Only thing thats stuck is the school/training issue. It was explained that bc I go to school full time, that it brings into question on whether or not i am willing and able to work. I have to wait for an examiner to review the claim and clear that issue. I feel like i should be able to get it ruled in my favor pretty easily, as I had been working there between 12-24 hours a week during the fall semester and before i was laid off in the spring semester.
@tankdriver This update really brought me some relief in terms of my unemployment issues. I’ve been out of work since close to the same date you have been, and I’m really stressed about finances. It keeps me up at night, gods honest truth.

Do you have any updates for us?
@kitty219 Finally got things moving. After 11 weeks of radio silence, I decided to put in a legislative inquiry with my local state representative. After I did that, WITHIN THE HOUR I got a call back from the UC office that things were being escalated

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