[PENNSYLVANIA] Question on issue


New member
Can anyone help me clear the issue “ other program eligibility” I’m getting stressed out 😫
@zjn Normally it means you have to stop certifying for P.U.A and apply for regular U.C. , only if you are denied regular U.C. can you get back on P.U.A (upload the denial letter in the portal)

But if this issue popped up during these last few days Sunday-Wednesday its a system mess-up/glitches. Everyone is flooding the P.A. Department/Labor FaceBook page about issues appearing left and right since this last Sunday
@zjn Oh wow yeah yours isn’t part of the glitches if you had it around thanksgiving. If you don’t me asking when and did you lose your job as a result of covid? Bc if not you wouldn’t be Eligible for PUA you’d be on regular UC. Did you apply to regular benefits first and get your denial letter to apply for PUA
@zjn Currently waiting on FOUR weeks of payments. AND this is my FOURTH time submitting denial letter, plus an email stating I’m NOT eligible for reg UC.

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