[Pennsylvania] PUA earnings - aren’t we supposed to receive 1/2 our pre-pandemic earnings, not just $195?


New member
Hi everyone,

Pre-pandemic I was making $800 a week as an independent contractor (sometimes more than that; sometimes less, but average, it was $806); however, PUA will only give me $195 (plus their stimulus payments) per week. Am I incorrect to think that it was supposed to be 50% of our wage pre-pandemic (and thus I should be receiving close to $403 plus the stimulus each week)?

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
@ostronic My paperwork is a bit off but it clearly demonstrates what I made. Basically I began a small business in August 2019 and each client had to sign a contract with me promising me 10% down, nonrefundable, and the remainder refundable if we can’t continue working together. Well, we can’t continue working together as my doc has clearly stated that i can’t work until the pandemic is over due to my health and I must socially distance which I cannot do with my career. :(
@resjudicata Tax returns don’t reflect that though. All of my business was based upon contracts, which almost all of which had to be canceled due to social distancing... so all of the actual $ I received was literally only the 10% down signed for the contracts as I couldn’t fulfill the rest of them.
@lutherwestie it should be a simple matter of presenting your 2019 IRS 1040 form plus schedule C.

If those forms show the income you claim, you should be able to get your PUA raised.

If there is a reason the numbers aren't supported by income you claimed on taxes, then you will be stuck on that minimum.
@lutherwestie I was making 745 before the pandemic and I submitted all of my documents. My payment amount never updated from the 195. I guessed it was because I had just started my job 10 months before the pandemic started. SMH. I am now on regular unemployment and being payed currently. Not sure what happened with PUA but I never got the correct amount from them.
@esther2576 PUA is a joke. I have all my contracts that had to be canceled (except for a few that I fulfilled prior to the start of the pandemic demonstrating that I was indeed making $800+ per week). I always had to pay high taxes for being an IC, and the one time I needed help - I get $195 per week.

A lot of people replying do not seem to understand that I was making $800 per week prior to the pandemic and had to cancel out contracts due to this so my 2019 taxes were a reflection of that, however, I still have all of my voided contracts etc. (including the ones I fulfilled and the ones I had to cancel) clearly demonstrating I was making 800+ per week, but PA doesn’t care. For years, made killer money. Got sick in late 18, recuperated, reopened in mid-fall 19. Fulfilled many contracts but then covid hit and had to cancel because we couldn’t risk another relapse under doctor’s orders (autoimmune disease is a MFer) but PA is... a joke. Sent them every contract, every document, with a clear explanation and ... no reply. Nothing. Just $195 a week please and thank you.

Literally over a year behind on rent now. Family’s dead. Looking forward to dying when the moratorium is lifted because I can’t survive outdoors due to health. Ughhhhh
@lutherwestie I hear you man. This country is sad and the government is a joke. The only reason I’m still surviving is because my husband is a trucker & has been working through the whole pandemic. I do feel so bad for everyone not in my situation that is struggling. It’s like everyone that has been honest and submitted proof is being **** over and given the run around.
People have bills and children to feed.
It would be nice if the new system corrects everything but I’m not holding my breath. Nobody can survive on unemployment anyway. 195 though is a ****ing joke

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