[PENNSYLVANIA] FINALLY got a hold of a PUA rep on the phone

@theyownus Oh yeah no, this thread concerns the great commonwealth of pennsylvania. While I won't condem the whole govt here, their dept of L&I is just incompetent and has chosen the absolute worst possible way to communicate to the public.

Edit: to stay on the original point, I've tried tweeting at them and they are silent when it comes to dealing with unhappy citizens. They seem to have plenty of time to tweet about every other problem but the actual problems people are facing.
@rocknrollah6ur1 When I call I immediately hear the busy tone. Should I let it play out until the call is dropped or should I hang up as soon as I hear the busy tone? How’d you approach it?
@rocknrollah6ur1 I got through today as well after about trying 300 times and staying on hold for an hour and a half. I learned today that they stop taking calls at 3 but if you're on hold, stay on hold. They're in the office until 5. The rep told me that they needed my ID docs, which I uploaded a week ago. She said she sent them to the team for review and I should see it resolved by Monday. Fingers crossed!
@rocknrollah6ur1 I’m still trying. I think I’ve called 2000 times by now but my phone shows each call individually instead of “ x times”

I know everyone is going through the same thing but this is inexcusable.
@rocknrollah6ur1 Okay, so as we all know. PUA is now sending checks only for all claim for the foreseeable future. Having said that. It appears that my "Benefit Pay Date" has now moved from "In Progress" to now showing a date of "6/2/2020" and the other weeks show "6/4/2020". Has anyone who has the same benefits date received their check in the mail yet this week? If not, can someone advise how long should I expect to receive my check now that I have a pay date? Also if anyone was previously receiving checks prior to this change, can you please advise how many days in between the "Benefit Pay Date" and receiving the check should I expect? For example, Does the check get mailed on the Pay Date listed? Please help as I have waited forever to get to this point and really need the funds.
@jdmorris77 My problem is that I got the email but I am still at the 0.00 amount on the screen with one outstanding issue that needs fixed. I need to either submit text messages or call and see if I can get this fixed.
@jdmorris77 I have recieved paper checks and from what I've been getting its about 4 business days from the pay date stated until u receive your check. ( Example) I got a paid date on June 1st and just received my check june 5th. But they don't always send stimulus at the same time that could take 2/3 more days sometimes.
@jdmorris77 So as to my experience with receiving the paper check as to when I actually had it in hand and the benefit pay day was like this. Checks are sent out the following business day from the benefit pay date, and then from there take from 3-5 business days. So could be 4 days minimum or 6 days maximum. Hope that helps.

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