
New member
Hi all

Bought an apartment that I live in for 1M in June 2022. Currently I have 750k left to pay. I will get another lump sum bonus shortly which I was planning to put in taking the amount owed to 400k. At this rate it will be paid off in 4 years. Is this the correct thing to do? Should I rather be paying it off slowly and investing elsewhere

Other info - additional savings and investments monthly of 40-50k (mainly S&P); TFSA maxed.
@simonjandrews2 I hate debt, It plays on my mind and effects me.
I've been in the same boat as you and personally I chose to pay off the home (and keep the money accessible in the accessible bond).

I don't mind losing a few % as the peace of mind not having that debt weigh on me is worth it.

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