Pay Threshold For A Job You Don't Like


New member
Curious to see what people's threshold is (if there is one) in terms of the minimum you would work for a job you might not enjoy or the flip side, the lowest you'd take for a job you love, ie:

Currently work as a systems engineer in R&D - Pay is average, 100k, but have relaxed work style and love the work - Working from home, get to go for a run during the day, clean the house, run errands etc.

Have opportunity to move into a sales engineer role, so not as fun as R&D engineering - Huge pay bump, minimum 160k plus commission, bonus and car allowance - But would require working everyday on the road and obviously can't work from home at all.

- Would you take the huge pay increase if it means that you loose a lot of the flexibility, have you worked in a role just for the money?

- How long did you last or did you move back soon after to a role that was more enjoyable but less pay?
@spartan86 I reckon if you love working in R&D, you will not enjoy sales, and there is no amount of money that will replace your soul. Maybe that’s something you need to find out for yourself though.

If I were you, and really wanted a pay increase, I’d explore better paying system engineer jobs.
@spartan86 I’m in the same situation. Do I give up my salary which used to be considered fairly good (but has been paused for a few years) but is now very average, but at the cost of being a research scientist, for a role which is much better paid more senior but not at all research and therefore likely to be very bland?
@spartan86 Im assuming it’s Defence? If you’re willing to leave R&D and get into Acquisition sustainment, there are lot of Systems Eng roles out there that lay $120k plus with minimal responsibility.
@rbp It's in medical, but it's a unique role where I get to hands on develop software and electronic prototypes as well, not heavy on paper work side, like other systems roles are (especially defense).
@spartan86 You sound happy. That is worth a lot. None of us take anything with us when we die. But you could ask for a payrise due to inflation and/or ask to take on new projects/leadership. But if you can comfortably pay your bills etc and can save for a rainy day/holiday/a goal, you have to ask, what would it be for? There is always someone with more money. But time is something noone can buy back. Your life is precious.

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