In 2022 I was a temp technician (ANG) I was paid as a GS-9 from October-early December. When I was supposed to be paid as a GS-7
I was notified of the debt ~December 15 but the debt letter was not official until the first week of January 2023 thus falling on 2023s tax year. My W-2 for 2022 shows the GS-9 amount which matches my LES.
Finance told me they could not get me an ammended W-2 because the debt letter is posted in 2023. I spent half of 2023 in that same tech slot, and am now an AGR since September. Finance has no idea what to do, DFAS doesn’t seem to know either. And finance is waiting for DFAS to tell them what to do. So I paid taxes on a GS-9 income, then paid all the difference between GS7/9 (Not adjusted for taxes to my knowledge) back on the debt letter. I don’t think I’m owed much, but to me it’s more the principle.
I’m not willing to let this go simply because I think it’s unacceptable to just say “well we don’t know oh well.”
Consult a wage/labor attorney? This is holding me up from filing my taxes this year as well.

2023 pay was corrected when they noticed the issue at the end of 2022.
So I overpaid in 2022 and the debt letter is dated 2023.
So I’ll have to refile 2022 taxes?
2023 wages were all as the should be.
@hewhoshallnotbenamed Have your Civ pay tech put in the equivalent to a CMS case for civ issues, can’t remember what it is called. DFAS has to reissue a W2-c for 2022 with the difference and you will have to refile your 2022 taxes to get that money back. The debt letter doesn’t really matter when it is issued, they are adjusting the amount you made in 2022.
@talitha1031 Tried to get a W2-C from DFAS CIV pay.
I had to call, couldn’t get my finance office to do it.
DFAS says if I want a W2-C I have to fax or mail a letter, no email. There is no working fax machine I can find.

Finance told me yesterday that DFAS says for any debt under $3,000 I can just deduct it from my taxes in the year I paid the debt per the tax code(which would be the taxes I need to file for 2023) does this sound right?

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