Passive Investment Ideas - got any others?

@philliphawley Saw. Zillow gave up competing in this part of their biz. Negative headline thigh RE property acquisition risk. Interesting to see what they say about this at earnings.

Nice thing about LT holds is you can sit and watch.
@philliphawley See? My buddies and I went big on OPEN calls that doubled today. Made a quick $200K on top of everything else and sold, lol. Every sheep out there bought both Zillow and open as a theme and here we are, I had warned on Twitter 10x that Zillow would struggle to come off the ad model onto their ibuying and home acquisition data-powered model. Everyone races into open over z, just a little slow bc it brought them bought down.

@punziekate Unreal, well done. I made off well enough to get myself back where I started, and I'm going to continue to hold. Hoping to pay down some student loans before I graduate and I think OPEN will help! I wish I had a better understanding of options trading. How'd you get a handle on it?
@philliphawley Real world experience. I only invest in tech companies. I worked in tech my whole career and just always invested actively / self taught. Am not a professional at all. I just chase whales and then for fun I catch frauds and tweet about them.
@punziekate Inspiring. I thought it was another “I bought five houses” post.

Would love more details and some age tags. By when we’re you the ceo? Did you find industry partners in these very diverse business ventures?
@zacariah88 I was at S&PGlobal running a unit there (~$300M CAD revenue) and left at age 33 in 2015 to first be chief commercial officer of a B2B data biz focused on making the leisure industry more efficient (350 employees and private capital backed). Four months in I was put in as CEO. Did this 2 years then left (age 36, Nov 2016). Then bought my first company April 2016 when 36. Turning 40 next year.

For my private stuff I used BDC for most of the $ in deal 1. Deal 2 was me / couple friends. I was 65% of the equity cheque for my main private. The balance was 35% constituting one ex-hedge fund manager and buddy (14%), best man at my wedding (10%) and a longtime mentor (5%).

I know a lot of the private equity shops in town because when I was at S&P I helped build their Canadian presence and most clients were PE, ibanking, active $ managers, etc. The issue is they jump in and want returns outmatched versus their skill or contribution (usually). Take lifespeak - what a joke. The guys worked for years on it then a few jokers buy in last second and make bank. When I do a larger deal l get private capital. But I’m actually avoiding active deals now. And usually the guys are losers and ex i bankers without experience. There is endless capital, but when you can easily raise $$ why bother with these wannabe ex bankers without actual hands on experience 1/2 the time?

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