Parents have £10,000 left on mortgage but can’t get a new one


New member
I was hoping people could help.

My parents currently have £10,000 left on their mortgage and are on standard variable 8.74%ish

They’ve been on this rate for a while and I only just realised and talked to them about switching to a fixed rate. When they’ve contacted Halifax they’ve been told they won’t be able to get a fixed rate because of having so little left on the house

So questions/options

A) is it likely another provider will let them pick a new 2 year fixed so they could benefit there and then pay off at the end?

B) My dad wants to get a loan 5.something% and use that to pay off the mortgage and then just pay the loan balance over the years

C) they have about £15,000—paying it off in full now is an option but leaves them with little safety net (obviously that’ll build up again as they’ll save over £3000 not paying the mortgage)

Any other bright ideas?

Edit: talked to them tonight and they’ve went for the half-way option of paying off £5000 and then seeing how much they can overpay for the next year. The £500ish in interest this year is worth for their peace of mind of having their safety net by their logic
@lightthatshines Pay it off with their savings. Put the money back into savings as they go.

Should a need for more than £5K + monthly savings arise, then they can get a loan at that point. Loads of regular saver accounts paying more than 5% interest (Club Lloyds and First Direct are 6 or 7%) so they can build it up again quite quick.

It’s madness to have savings at less than the 8% mortgage SVR.
@rmm17 This is what I would do. Worst case scenario you take a loan if shit really hits the fan. There's no way the savings are doing anything for them but the 8+% mortgage is actively costing them money

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