Parents are being forced out of Canada and need advice

@resjudicata Forget a farm just move to one of NS's cheap towns like Glace Bay, Westville or Springhill. Buy a house for under 100k and live modestly on your pension.
@pilgrim I mean you are saying forced out of "Canada" but this is a really big country. I am guessing there is somewhere much more affordable they could go to live.
@pilgrim Protest when Trudeau is putting unnecessary taxes up. Vote for candidates that have a record of cutting taxes. Tell your parents to get jobs and if possible you get a better job or get extra work. Eat the cheapest foods that supply enough nutrients. I really don't want to sound harsh but it's time to ban together regardless of party and demand they take measures to lower the cost of living.
@enoch27 They would move to a different country but they dont want to, i dont want them to but what they are making they cannot live in canada especially if their pension keeps being reduced
@pilgrim When you import millions and millions of new people into a country with no infrastructure, the cost of housing rises extremely rapidly. Add to this massive amounts of currency thrown into the population the inflation curve turns straight up. The ripple effects bleed into absolutely every aspect of life. People on a fixed income are sadly in big trouble as there is absolutely no fix for this, and we’ve blindly and ignorantly pushed it across the threshold of no return.

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