Parents are being forced out of Canada and need advice


New member
My mother and step dad are 65 & over , my step dad just started to receive his old age pension and my mothers got cut because of it and even with the little i can afford yo help they cant afford to live in canada because of their monthly allowances being cut if they can increase it they would be better off, is there anything they can do in this situation ? Lawyers, request an increase or w.e so they arnt having to get rid of everything they have? Any advice is welcome
@pilgrim If it was that easy to get more free money, pretty sure the system would be swamped with requests.

Your parent’s options are to look at minimizing their expenses or increase their income. Without knowing their financial situation, it’s hard to give much advice.
@iamsavedbygracethrufaith Step dad worked for the ttc he started to receive his old age pension so the ttc got cut by 1000$ and at the same time my mothers went from 900 to 600 , they cant really go back to work or they would lose more from their pension
@pilgrim According to the TTC website if you retire before age 65 you get a bridge pension benefit until you reach 65. When you start to receive CPP/OAS the TTC pension plan goes down but you should get the same amount between the two each month. It is the same way the Canadian Forces and RCMP pensions work.
@pilgrim I didn't say it'd be easy but it's literally get a job or commit a crime. Can bum for money too. Those are really the only options and I I'm highly suggest them getting jobs. Minimum wage places are highering all the time. They can also learn new skills to get a higher paying job. I'm not sure their current skills but I'm sure they'd be qualified for something to earn some money
@grams The minimum wage places are trying to get rid of the older ones working it was already happening when i worked for walmart / most other places they want people who are younger e.e
@pilgrim Just apply anywhere. These big stores need workers. Apply everywhere and eventually someone will hire. Skills to learn quickly or jobs they could do now that pay more all depends on their current skills and what they did before.

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