Paid my taxes in 2022-Notice of assessment still shows owing


New member
As the title says.
I was filing this year’s tax using simple tax.

Went into last year’s notice of assessment to retrieve the net file code. What do I see? I owe some 8-9K?

First I lose my shit. Then I go check my bank account and turns out I did pay it all while filing my taxes on April 25.

The notice came 10 days later but also said I can ignore it if I’ve already paid.

I never got another notice after that and that I way I also totally forgot that I never got a confirmation of receipt from CRA.

Should I be worries? Should I call (I’m dreading having to call CRA because of the stupidly long wait time) to check if they received it? Even though it’s almost a year old?

Any thoughts? And thank you for reading
@umrules Call CRA exactly at 8AM M-F or 9AM Sat and the waits will not be that long.

Once you get someone on the line, first thing is to provide them your phone number, you need to do this each time you get transferred to another agent incase/when the call gets cut off.

It possible your funds got put into an installment account, that happen to me once. It was an easy fix once I talked to them.

Good Luck!!
@umrules Just ignore it. Make a note and keep records that you did pay tho. They send these notices out way before you paid. That's why it states don't worry if you already paid.
@umrules A notice of assessment is a point in time and is typically just going to reflect the files return. So if you had paid but did not include it on the return as an instalment, they likely will show owing. They would typically adjust the assessment for amounts paid and not included on the return but the assessment for most people is created almost instantly and just then takes a week or so for it to be formally released. Any payments therefore made around the time of filing will not show as payments take a couple days to post. For your account balance, never refer to an NOA. Just log in to your CRA account and go to “accounts and payments”. Sometimes what also can happen is the payment gets applied to the wrong year. You then would have a large amount owing in one year with a large credit in another. That can be moved but can also be the cause of mistaken balances
@umrules Idk why I got down voted, but, ya, it's nothing. I've had it before and it's normal to get a notice like that. Just a timing thing of when they send the notices vs when you paid

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