P&C agents back me up on this?

@nightwing761 If you have collision and comprehensive coverage under your own policy, you don't need the collision damage waiver. Your own 1st party coverages would carry over to a rental if needed.
@chugpup Agent here, not backing you up either. These are educational and informational opportunities. Literally an agents job.

I will also add, the questions that I see come through on this sub are generally good questions. Lay-people do not know what we know. They may not know where to find the information we literally have at our fingertips.

So to the non-insurance people who read this. Continue to ask, most of us are very happy to assist where and how we can.
@chugpup You might want a career change, or a role change if this is upsetting you this much. If people intrinsically knew all of this, you wouldn't have a job.
@philomatt Or "I'm on disability"...that's my other favorite next to "fixed" incone!" Please turn down your 70 inch TV so we can talk about coverage for the $5,000 rims you so wisely bought for your $2,000 car.
Tick-tock, time to talk fast, please. I know you don't have smoke alarms in that singlewide, wanna talk before your places burns down caz you spent the money to rewire your dump onnnnnn what was it, something shiny I assume?
Fuck faulty wiring, I got a watch and rims, son!...but ya, use your disability money on bullshit instead of asset protection.
"I'm on disability"...love it!

Edit* i got no problem with people being on disability and cheating the system, bravo. Also people legit need help, not knocking that, I'm a proponent.
My problem is when they use disability as an excuse every month for not paying their bills. It's not a magic word! You don't say "disability" and your debts are dissolved.
Renewal after mothtruding Renewal...leave me already!

It is a cruel joke that clients can fire agents for anything. You fire your agent, he gets a chargback in commission. It sucks, fucks his comp. I try to do all I can to save biz, but there are exceptions.​

I just want to fire clients.​

-Late pay 2 months in a row? Fired.
-Panic client:. (Twice today) get email. Get vmail. Get email. Get vmail, vmail vmail, email. Time elapse: 5min32sec. "Is there a house fire!? Quickly call the client back. She might be traveling from nc to ky and wanted me to make a note.
What the fuck lady are you taking about? What note needs to be made, should I call the CEO!? i fire you now, go to KY and don't come back!
-"Dealing Dan". Money isn't even an issue but he wants 40 min of your time to find a way to save money. You explain its not possible. He removes Towing (loses an important coverage in that state), saves $2.31 a month, then calls me a liar for saying there would be no significant savings.
I stand by my statement. There were no significant savings, take your business elsewhere. I want to be done with you. Immediate turnination.
--and the scammers ohh!! The beautiful, beautiful scammers with P.hD in insurance fraud---and especially in SC and FL, you guys are pros! 15 years ago this wasn't even a thing, but now days I love getting a good hour long convo about your half baked idea to creat a insurance fraud claim before you even buy the policy! Sadly, hubris begins to fade when I refuse to forge an FS-1 and repeat for the 4th time are on a recorded line.

-Plenty more but I'll leave it with the story teller/sad person. I've been in a dark place(s) in my life, we all have. But have you ever picked up your phone and called your insurance agent just to cry about your sad ass life? Ya, that makes me sound like a dick. But my job is insurance agent, not therapist. You guys & gals don't even understand. Mentally unstable people LOVE calling their agent and babbling about nothing. Nothing. But you love their money so you listen...while you type this out on reddit and consider telling this caller to grab a 6 pack of beer and 4 valium and call me back tomorrow....​

So. What have we learned?
-Don't lie to your agent, they will find out.
-I've read through so much of these post and still can't believe people misinterpreted "full coverage." I really like that somewhere a client picked up what I was saying and an agent was still like "derrr."
-I like reading the "good guy" insurance agents knocking my shit and down voting with a grin, trying to get a referral like they don't get shady too.
*This mighy blow a clients mind a little...but its all about the money. The more we help you the more money we make.
The more we help you the more money we make.

That really is the core of it, isn't it?

Yes, I make more money by helping YOU more. I'm 1,000% going to make sure I pitch you the BEST COVERAGE for you and your situation because 1.) It makes me more money but also 2.) I don't have to deal with a pissed off client during a claim because you decided you didn't need everything I suggested.

I always try to give my clients real life examples of what happens when you Fuck Around and Find Out with insurance. Sure, you could go 40 years and never have a claim...that truly is the dream. But until you DO have a claim, the average person just does NOT understand how important the shit actually is.

I've had people with burst pipes that weren't covered because they didn't take my professional recommendation to get the proper coverage. Sorry that you want it after the fact, that's not how it works.

But I've also had people get sued and have their high policy limits pay out and guess what? They didn't have any judgements against them because they took the limits of liability I suggested.

Same thing with total losses on fires and other disasters.

When I do my job properly, it makes things easier not only for me but the customer, the adjusters, and everyone else involved in a big claim.

My goal is to get paid, but also get YOU paid when/if that time comes. If your house burns to the ground I want you to get the maximum amount of money possible because even though that number goes against me in my agency statistics, I actually do give a shit about you losing all of your possessions.
@chugpup Hey man just wanted to say, if you came here to vent it’s the wrong sub 😅

I think everything you said is pretty spot bang on with how the job goes. I just enjoy this subreddit bc as a group, if we get questions like that, the OP gets educated, and often downvoted quick.

Personally I’d rather the difficult customers come on Reddit anyways and learn from the herd rather than disagreeing with me over the phone.
@chugpup You might want to look into switching over to claims. You get to witness people learning some of these lessons the hard way if that makes you feel better.

Thing is, you have the power to do something about it as an agent right now. You can tell them all these things before they have an opportunity to need to use their shitty coverage they selected.

When I get a lot of these questions/complaints I send them to you to fix their policies. I hope you can help them.
@chugpup You're choosing to be annoyed for no reason. Like with the "full coverage" bit. You know exactly what they want. They want liab/comp/coll/rental but you're being so technical for no reason and getting annoyed at people that are just using a common term in auto insurance. Just because a bunch of mouth breathers on reddit say "tHErEs nO SuCh tHiNg aS fUlL cOvEraGe" doesn't mean it has to ruin your day.

You're in a service job for a product unfortunately alot of people don't understand because our school systems rather teach crap that no one needs rather than important things. Just because you know all these things doesn't mean other people do and frankly the way in which you are complaining about all of this stuff makes it sound like you think you are better than those people. You should probably consider a job outside of customer service if you get so easily annoyed
@tropicdude The problem is not education. The problem is people are just dumb in general. Take 62 calls in a row, in 5 hours, and nobody wants liability, comp or coll. They only "want that full coverage insurance, i don't care about no comper-hension or collision, just full coverage'

Mind blown every day.
@chugpup Hey man just wanted to say, if you came here to vent it’s the wrong sub 😅

I think everything you said is pretty spot bang on with how the job goes. I just enjoy this subreddit bc as a group, if we get questions like that, the OP gets educated, and often downvoted quick.

Personally I’d rather the difficult customers come on Reddit anyways and learn from the herd rather than disagreeing with me over the phone.

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