P&C agents back me up on this?


New member
I can't even open this sub without feeling like I'm at work! This feed is stressful when you're in the industry!

Since there are so many stupid questions directed to insurance agents, I'd like to ask clients equally dumb questions. This inquiry will be in regards automobile insurance.

Potential clients:

-Why do you feel the need to tell me what color your car is 5 seconds into the call? Why do you tell me this several more times after I tell you nicely I don't give 2 shits about the color of the car. Red cars and black cars cost the same. Unfortunately you're just dum.

-Unless you got your driver's license within the last 3-5 years, you don't have to tell me your lifes story of transportation...just your DL please...

-Engineers are the worst insurance clients. If my home rate was bad, and I tell you my auto rate will be worse, why do you still even want a quote--and then bitch at me when the quote was high--I told you that going into this...

*STOP TELLING YOU INSURANCE AGENT YOU WANT "FULL COVERAGE." There is no such thing as full coverage!!! You wanna argue? Ok, here is every single endorsement we offer. Generally only 9 endorsements, but you wanted that "full coverage" so here is all 32! What does that cover, you ask? I don't fucking know! 20 years I've never seen it....
Just tell your agent you need comp and collision....they will know what your talking about, I promise.
As an aside, at least once a day a client will tell me: " I dont want none of that liability or comprOhensn, or collision, you can take that off right now and give me what I asked for, which is full coverage! "

-And when it comes to coverages, don't be an idiot, think things through just a little.
Liability---the most important aspect--you DO NOT want that as low as possible to "save money!"
Most states mandate that you have a minimum of $10,00 to $30,000 in property damage liability protection.
You wanna be cheap so you go state minimums. 6 weeks later you're yelling at me. Your POS just hit a $60G Rover. Your insurance is paying $25,000 and now you gotta figure out a way to pay the difference. For $4 more a month you could have avoided the enrire scenario...but you wanted the cheapest thing possible and now what...I mean...don't listen to the guy that does this for a living, take the advice from some dude your mom was banging last night who has a freind thats an insurance agent...in fact, why are you not talking to him now...

-And then there are deductibles. If your car is 20 years old, the value is $3,000, why are you paying $600 a year in premiums for comp/coll? If your car is totaled, you're out the deductible and $600 in premium to get, what....a check for $800? This is why people stay insurance broke.

-I get you want to save money, who doesn't.
But why would you choose a $1,000 deductible because it saves $8 a month? If you can't afford an extra $8 today, how are you gonna afford $1,000 later? Use reason. Get a manageable deductible.

-This may shock you, but your insurance agent is not your claim agent. These people live on different sides of the planet. Your agent can advocate and assist, but their role is minimal; always refer back to your claims rep or ask to have an Underwriter involved.

-Why do minor billing changes ruin peopls life?
"My rate was $143.27 for 6 months and now its $143.86 and you're going to tell me exactly why my premiums increased."
At this point I generally ask if i can just pay them the increase of $7 spread over the next 9 months...

-Stop nameing every discount on your prior auto policy. Those are generally company specific and its about the time I start reading Reddit because I know you're about to argue with the premium you just agreed to 30 seconds ago.

-And finally....stop bullshiting us on your driving record, we are gonna find out, when we ask the first time its a courtesy, when you're not honest and up comes a DW, I'm far less inclined to help simply because you lied.

Commom conversation:
Clint: "well I don't understand why you can't cover me now! I've been driving 40 years and only had 1 DWI and that was last year"
Agent: but sir, driving history playyy....
Client: 20 years! No tickets, no accidents, 1 DWI shouldn't count against me...
Agent (at this point I pull out my convo killer) "Sir, let me put this in perspective: I've never ever killed someone in over 40 years. Been a real good guy. But...if I kill someone---even if its the only person I've ever killed...guess what! I still go to jail!

This is my abbreviated list, it could go on forever. I'm a bit cynical and maybe you are too....lets her some mind fuck client stories, gotta be some good ones out there
@chugpup I mean I roll my eyes a lot when on the phone with people and their rhetorical questions but I still service them. I mean it’s my job and I like it. Not a bother to me. I always think to myself that’s their shit not mine.
@jazzino I cannot stand the rhetorical question people. Even more so when they don’t plan on buying and would rather ask a random than the agent they won’t leave. Explaining coverages for basic likely to happen scenarios is my job.

Figuring out coverage if you get possessed by a ghost during a blizzard in the middle of July while a Range Rover glued to a Bugatti is flying at you at 88 miles per hour what time will the bus arrive in Timbuktu? Especially when you’re not going to purchase my policy isn’t my fucking job.
I can't even open this sub without feeling like I'm at work! This feed is stressful when you're in the industry!

Reddit with whiskey....

-Why do you feel the need to tell me what color your car is

Learn to passively listen. We (I'm mid 30s) grew up that red cars cost more in insurance and more likely to get pulled over. It is what it is. The better you are at just ignoring them while your flying thru the quoting systems, the better.

-Engineers are the worst insurance clients. If my home rate was bad, and I tell you my auto rate will be worse, why do you still even want a quote--and then bitch at me when the quote was high--I told you that going into this...

I always hated the folks who are like, well , that rate was bad, but let's go ahead and quote my OTHER auto, home, rv, 3 rental properties, blah blah blah. I used to always quick quote auto/home together. Pull up Zillow, smash that keyboard. And just say, yeahhh, so it looks like we're really not competitive on both products. I do have a scheduled meeting with my manager, so please email me your contact info and I'll call you back about your rental properties. (NOT!)


Blame that on our parents generation
Same as the red car thing

-*As an aside, at least once a day a client will tell me: " I dont want none of that liability or comprOhensn, or collision, you can take that off right now and give me what I asked for, which is full coverage! "

Your already know you're not going to get their business, push thru till you get a base quote, throw a number (quote( that pisses them off, they'll get off your phone quick

Liability---the most important aspect--you DO NOT want that as low as possible to "save money!"

Blame companies who market "only pay for what you need/want"

Who cares, if they want minimum coverage (you can feel them out a mile away, when they first call in). Just quote them what they want, and then when they complain a out the price,over on. Don't try to sell an 18nyear old on liability. Try to sell a married father of 5 who makes good money. "We'd hate to see the kids college fund be put at risk, right???"

-And then there are deductibles. If your car is 20 years old, the value is $3,000, why are you paying $600 a year in premiums for comp/coll? If your car is totaled, you're out the deductible and $600 in premium to get, what....a check for $800? This is why people stay insurance broke.

These people I tell them, hey, you're paying $100/mo for this coverage, you have to have an accident every 12 mo ths otherwise youre losinf money. Are you the sort of person that crashes every 12 months????

-Stop nameing every discount on your prior auto policy.

I've got grat news! You actually came back in our system as preferred rated this means you automatically receive EVERY DISCOUNT WE OFFER, WAHHOOO".

I'm done pooping, and I need a beer, so that's all ill reply to.
Ehhhh about the don’t sell liability to an 18 year old thing, a lot of people under 25 are buying houses right now in my state. Hell I just wrote a high school senior that just bought a house home auto and pup. I had another tell me how his house burned down in middle school so he understands a need to have good insurance.

People grow up sometime and why introduce them to the world of insurance with shitty coverage so they can be those annoyingly price sensitive people later?
@chugpup I don't disagree with your complaints, but you list A LOT of petty/minor things that really shouldn't bother you so much ... That's why I replied the way I did ...

So no, I won't "back you up" on this
@chugpup Client here. I ask for full coverage because I don’t know insurance!!! I have no idea what all the different terms are! I don’t know the subtle differences! If I ask for comp and collision, am I leaving something out? Am I going to get fucked because I asked for that and rentals aren’t included or something? What about underinsured? Is that part of comp and collision? I don’t know this stuff. I ask for full because I want everything offered and to be protected
@progguy As a former insurance agent, I think the frustration here is that it’s okay if you don’t know full coverage isn’t a thing. It’s just irritating as hell when you try to kindly educate a client and they start being an asshole. Because you know those are the people who are going to call in pissed as hell when their claim gets denied cuz they didn’t take two seconds to listen to what their agent is explaining to them
@sarah333 I think a lot of salespeople don't know when to walk away, and that makes it worse. If someone doesn't allow gentle education, fire them as a client. They're an e&o claim waiting to happen. I certainly wouldn't spin my wheels. It's irritating, but there's companies that focus on that type of business, and they're good at it. The 4 accidents, argues about everything, wants maximum coverage for $3 a year, aren't my client. They go to drive-through place that charges for COIs.
@progguy Honestly a good agent should be going through each of the coverages with you and telling you what they are.

If you say you want the cheapest policy possible and they just give you a quote, find a new agent. They’re trash.
@progguy Most people who say they want “full coverage” at least in my experience are people who mean comprehensive and collision and they’re saying full coverage because that’s how the dealer described it when telling them what they need. Very few actually want every coverage we offer because when I go through and recommended coverages to them they usually say no to everything except what I tell them is explicitly required per law or per the lien holder . It’s amazing how quickly I want the best coverage turns into I want the lowest price when you start to explain how much more they’re going to pay.
@progguy Which is fair and understandable. This is why agents are key, they should explain and offer to you everything you need. Before I got into insurance I had no clue there wasn't such a thing as full coverage or that rental isn't automatically included.
@bk20257 Find a clients declaration page, there is a section that covers it. Then run your understanding of that scenario by an Underwriter the same way you would tell a client. Stupid simple to the pont. If the underwriter agrees, you now understand.
If Underwriter disagrees, get them to explain this to you until you legit understand.
--if you work for a shit company that will not let you speak directly to an Underwriter, leave that company, they suck.
@chugpup Really? There I am at Hertz Or Budget or Avis at JFK or ORD being given documents to sign and initial with a line of people behind me and you are suggesting zI review the terms of insurance coverage waiver ( different language at different rental places btw)snd check with an Underwriter?
@bk20257 Absolutely. You also hit the nail on the head; different companies have different standards so know whats up.
Also rental car contracts are not the best example anyway. Coverage extendeds to the named insured and generally not household drivers
@bk20257 Sadly just learned about this. Don't have rental but do have "full coverage" lol
Daughters car is in the shop& rental being paid for by at faults insurance. Claims dude from at faults insurance explains the process and says they pay for rental but my insurance will be what covers the rental & mentions damage waiver how I would need that if my insurance won't cover comp&coll on the rental. Call my insurance and of course I don't have rental so only liability will cover rental now paying $20 a day for damage waiver. 😫

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