Over 4 months to determine who is at fault for a vehicle collision? Is this fraud?


New member
My girlfriend was in a collision where she was admitted to the hospital via ambulance on December 6, 2016. It has been over 4 months and every time we call the insurance company they state that they are determining liability still or that the other party is in an arbitration.

She was turning left at an intersection, the light turned yellow and then red so her and 2 other vehicles cleared the intersection (it was large enough for all 3 to fit into it without blocking the crosswalk). A vehicle ran the red, hit the guy in front, bounced off and hit my girlfriend, then the guy behind rear ended my girlfriend (4 vehicle collision).

I understand it is a complex accident but over 4 months just to find out who is liable? Is there any recourse for us? We do have a lawyer involved so please don't suggest speaking to one as we already have.

Also my girlfriends car was written off and is being stored at my uncles business which is where I happen to work. Is he able to charge them a storage fee for this long and give me a kickback in some legal way or is that fraud?

Thanks in advance.

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