Outrageous price of ready meals in Australia

@sleeplesslullaby I have disabilities also and struggle too.

Unfortunately because I work a high income job the government determines I am “independent” even though I can’t use knives or handle hot water etc due to eroded motor skills.

I’m trying again this year for some ndis support now that i am struggling more than at any other point in my life with my motor skills/coordination. If I am successful one of the first things I’m asking for is help with meals.
@tesswales Life's hard for many and for that I am sorry for those who suffer, truly, would want that on anyone but there are millions of people across the world who get on with things without complaining or making excuses.
@jennc03 I have a baby who wakes up 4am every day.

I work a full time job.

I also have a disability that makes it dangerous for me to use knives or hot water due to the impact on my motor skills.

We have no grandparent support and my wife does an amazing job with caring for our family.

Next time consider how hurtful a statement like this. I would love to be able to make my own complex meals instead of struggling to make my own sandwich or rice cooker meals (the rice cooker meals I depend on pre cut vegetable, either frozen or cut by my wife). Seeing someone take that ability for granted and imply anyone else who doesn’t is simply lazy is hurtful.
@feelingunloved I would add that educating yourself on nutrition is arguably more important than being able to cook. Cooking just makes food more enjoyable.

You can crack open canned veggies, can of tuna/sardines and some microwave rice. Just an example of a cheap, relatively healthy meal.

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