[other] Join our group to first for the $600


New member
Hi everyone!

I'm writing on behalf of a new group called Unemployed Action. We're a project of the Center for Popular Democracy, and we're campaigning to protect the $600 unemployment benefit that so many people are relying on.

With only 3 weeks left until the benefit expires, we have a lot of work to do to pressure the Senate to continue our relief! We need call their offices, plan protests, and go to the press with our stories!

We started a Facebook group and Slack to get organized, and in just a couple weeks, our Facebook group has grown to over 10,000 members- all unemployed people ready to fight until we win our demands.
  • We're planning tele-town halls across the country
  • We're sending texts to get voters to call Congress
  • We're coming up with plans for safe, socially distant protests + actions
  • We need help taking our campaign to social media
  • We've been getting folks media training and connecting them to reports
We need as much help as we can get. There's so much to do. We need volunteers to take on some of these tasks alongside us and to keep recruiting more members.

I wanted to post on Reddit tonight to invite you all to join us!
  1. You can find us on Facebook here.
  2. You can join our Slack group here.
Here are the actions you can take right now:

1) Join our townhalls at crisistownhalls.org. Don’t see one listed? Sign up to organize one here.

2) Join our texting team and help us reach out to workers in key states. You can also join our Texting Team Slack here.

3) Call your Senators- every day! If you enter your number in our handy tool -- you'll get a call automatically.

4) Share your testimony - Video is the most powerful way to share your story - record yours here.

We look forward to working in solidarity with you again next week! Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, July 15th at 5pm ET. Register here.

I hope everyone is keeping their chins up. We can do this, and we can fight to make the system better than before. Please join us!

In community,

The Unemployed Action Team
@amn When this gets PASSED in 2 weeks, remember to come back here to congratulate each other. We'll have ballons, fireworks, and more !
I see a lot of folks saying that folks should be looking for jobs rather than relying on help. There's data that suggests that folks receiving UI actually spend more time searching for a job and have better outcomes!

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