@ctctw7 i cook pieces of beef/pig heart and ox tongue in a pressure cooker (1.5-2h, depends on weight). it requires almost no effort. then cut it to smaller pieces and eat it as a snack with horseradish sauce.

sometimes cook beef /lamb liver pieces in sous vide on 63C for 1h. it remains very soft and almost pate-like
@ctctw7 If your lucky enough fresh venison heart is amazing, fried in garlic butter. So are the livers, kidneys are ok but not my jam. I took up hunting to help supplement our protein at home, only buy meat once or twice a week and the rest we eat is wild that I’ve shot my self. Makes a huge difference to our weekly grocery bill
@ctctw7 Ox Hearts are real cheap - slice it thinly, salt and pepper quick fry straight down the hatch. My kids love them and they are always so cheap - also chicken hearts / fry them long enough you have lil popcorn chicken appetiser. Big save in comparison to a sirloin 👍🏽
@ctctw7 I’m not opposed, just have no idea how to cook stuff. Even like kitchen safety stuff. For example, I know how to know when chicken breast is undercooked, or bacon is a bit too old. Not knowing those things makes me a bit nervous to cook with them.

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