@ctctw7 My favorite dish growing up has been pig organ congee.
Tongue, liver, kidney and heart so boiled and sliced up thinly. Mixed through some congee and served with lots of herbs, pepper and a ginger fish sauce.
@ctctw7 Grew up with lambs liver, onion and gravy. I ask my mum if she can please make it when I visit.

Chicken livers on BBQ and chicken livers for pate are awesome. Al though making pate is kind of a pain and it stinks the house out.
@ctctw7 I grew up with a lot of this stuff from farm culture.
But I was taught that because of the nutritional density that you want to eat smaller amounts and less of the ones that hold so much nutrition. Liver is at the top of that list. It's been forever since I looked into it, but there was something about kidneys, I sure you could look it up online. Then the heart.
But the rest, like tongue, are just muscles. Intestines as well don't have anything extra to worry about. But it's more about eating the organs occasionally, especially liver, inside of eating them every day or every meal. But there was this great kidney pie my dad made growing up, his family would make it once a week.
@clolou Liver is suuuuper high in vit-A. You can poison yourself if you eat too much vit-A. Probably take it easy if you're eating 3 servings of liver or more a week. I personally don't eat more than 300g a week. It's also got a ton of metal in it, which is good if you're iron deficient, but bad because it has a high copper content and too much copper is super bad for you.

Kidneys are high in uric acid which can be bad for gout sufferers. Hearts and tongues are pretty benign afaik, they're only muscle and I don't think they really accumulate anything bad for you. Sweetbreads might accumulate stuff which is less ideal, but I don't think it's a big problem. Any fatty tissue can accumulate fat-soluble toxins. I think environmental toxins in your meat is really not a big problem in NZ (MPI would be on it for sure) but might be worth thinking about if you're traveling or hunting or etc.
@highlyfavoured The boomer generation also talks a lot about the high cholesterol/unhealthy fats of organ meat long term (including hearts). I haven't verified those claims though.
It seems like something to mix with beans or other proteins when dealing with affordability issues instead of using it as a meat replacement.
And yes, that vitamin A and copper in liver pose real issues. I have a friend who gave themselves vitamin V toxicity (from supplements). It's fat soluble so it stays in the body, she had to be on a special diet for almost three years to clear the excess vitamin A. Copper is supposed to be more dangerous in high amounts
@ctctw7 As a kid I had tripe and thought it was the most disgusting thing ever. So tough and chewy that you can barely manage a mouthful a minute. As an adult I've been to a number of chinese restaurants serving tripe and it's been awesome.

There's just a little bit more skill and preperation required.
@ctctw7 I've tried eating organ meats and regardless of how their cooked, they just never taste nice. Perhaps its because I'm aware that I'm consuming an organ rather than the actual muscle or meat proper. Surely there's some psychological aspect but yeah just can't stand liver, heart, tongue etc
@ctctw7 Most of the time , with what I’d call offal, it’s not cooked properly and that’s what puts people off. Cooked properly it can taste delicious.

Being Scottish of a certain generation I was brought up eating a lot of offal but there is our national dish, Haggis, which I’ve had terrible ones and I can’t well understand when people don’t like it but when prepared properly it’s absolutely delicious.

The same goes for liver, kidneys, ox tongue , tripe etc

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