@ctctw7 honeycomb tripe is also less, ahem, shitty than feathered tripe. There is still some smell tho.

My nan used to boil tripe in milk and the smell of that will make me retch to this day.
@ctctw7 Yep I buy chicken liver now and then. I never manage to get through the whole container. Its one the most nutritious foods on the planet... but its a bit yuk on its own, I have to add some chili sauce to it. The other option is pate spread.
@ctctw7 If you’re struggling for nutrients and can’t stomach beef liver. You can cut it raw into small pill like sizes and freeze them and just take them as a supplement from the freezer
@ctctw7 Yes! Chicken hearts has been one of my favourtes growing up (Eastern European), I always buy them when I see them. Just cut those nasty stuff off the ends (cats and dogs love it), they don't clean them here properly.

I also love liver, but I ... have trust issues with the NZ livers, something is off..? I still buy them sometimes, but rarely.

Also, I buy bones, chicken frames, for soup. Super cheap, all you need to do is throw them into plenty of water, salt and onion and simmer on low for like 3 hours. Of course you can add more veggies (soup veggies we call them but you don't have them in NZ (except carrot), you have to grow them if you want them here, what you sell here for soups are not it). But even just the bones and onion with seasoning is enough for a basic broth. It won't be fatty/"gelatine-y" (don't know how you say that in English) as it would be if you used whole chicken or bigger bones / more fat, but having a lighter broth has its perks too.

And chicken frames still have enough meat on them, you take them out of the soup once the soup is done, refrigerate, and it's a great snack when you are watching Netflix or something.
@traditionalman technically 'unctuous' is the term we might use for a soup or sauce that coats the mouth, though it's pretty old fashioned and is not a regularly used word. Gelatinous would also be correct here, though somewhat unappetising.

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