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I always used to think organ meats were gross until I dated a Japanese guy and made Chinese friends, and saw how they cooked it. Organ meats can be less than half the price of muscle meats, and way more nutritionally rich. Beef tongue for example, cut thin and cooked on a grill or pan can be delicious, you only need to season with salt and pepper. Liver is great on skewers on the bbq with a northern Chinese spice mix, and I’m going to try ox heart next. I got a week’s worth of meat for under 10 bux, and the dog likes it too. So worth giving it a go! I find the Aussie butcher has really good range. Does anyone else have organ meat tips?
@godisgood +1 for chicken hearts! Mighty tasty.

I'll eat just about anything from a chicken, but still haven't come around to the intestines.
@godisgood I like it steamed with oyster sauce to dip. I saw a video once where a guy was bbqing chicken hearts and his dogs were literally going nuts begging for some
@godisgood Tomato paste, malt vinegar, salt and peer and cumin to marinade, saute an onion and garlic the add hearts and a can of tomato dice and stew until thick. Serve with garlic bread or something and it's bomb
@ctctw7 I’m still experimenting with them more for the nutrient density than tho the price is alluring as well but don’t say it too loud I still remember when the “low grade cuts” were cheap now everyone’s a fancy low and slow bbq enthusiast and the price has gone up. Will say smoked liver is quite good especially with shallots, garlic a little salt and some chilli sauce sometimes will add a little cooking sake or Chinese cooking wine . I smoke if for 10-20 minutes out side of the pan to get more smoke on it then throw in with the other ingredients.

My mate dehydrates the organs / makes jerky/ biltong when ever he goes hunting and so has tasty healthy snacks for his family. It’s pretty yum!
@shinesun I dehydrated a pig's liver once, incredible product. I cut it thinly to serve in a very simple salad, but if I microplaned it into sauces it added an incredible amount of savouriness and body and thickness.
@ctctw7 My favourites are kidneys, but I find they're rarely fresh enough from the supermarket to be very appealing to me. If the butcher has them out that day then they're pretty good. I prefer lambs kidneys, mostly because they're easier to prepare, cut em in half, whip out the core, then fried in a hot pan until medium, salt, herbs, hell yeah. Maybe put some butter on. Pig and cattle kidneys are just a bit bigger and harder to get the greebly bits out of. I think they're preferable in like a gravy or a pie filling tho.

I'm not the biggest liver fan, but I won't say no to a chopped liver or a liver and onions or a pate. I like it best cut into thin strips, thrown in after the onions have been cooking, don't cook too long, they get grainy and the metallic taste is more pronounced. I like to finish my liver and onions with a bit of wine and cream if i've got it, or vinegar and butter if i don't.

Sweetbreads are great, but imo the best they're poached in wine or seasoned milk, then breaded and deep fried. Feels a bit fussy for cheap eats and is time intensive.

Brains can be good, but they need to be crazy fresh. Bread and deep fry them or saute in butter to serve on toast. A lot of people don't like them becuase of their creamy texture.

Tongue is a little more trouble than its worth imo.

Hearts are really good. Lamb hearts can be cut thinly and grilled. They want fat and flavour, they're pretty lean. Pig and cattle hearts can be stuffed, or cut into pieces and stewed. Heart can be tough, mostly you want to do a long cook with lots of moisture, but if the lamb hearts are small you can do a real quick cook and serve them medium if you cut them thin.

Chicken feet more trouble than they're worth. Gizzards are fine grilled. Chicken hearts are mean. Chicken livers are becoming more spendy but I regularly see them at half price clearance and they're good to turn into pate that day.

Another thing is that pigs head brawn is ever popular and pretty cheap, and a roast half pigs head is a perfect romantic dinner for two.

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