Ok so I've fixed my credit score, have 0 debt, saved a 6-12 month emergency fund (12 months of rent, 6 months of all important expenses) now what?


New member
I want to buy a home and get married in the next five years. But I also want to put some money in a roth IRA. Can I do both? Or should I just keep saving normally for a down payment etc.
@jptex77 Congratulations on what you have accomplished. Good having a comfortable emergency fund.

Not knowing you salary numbers, you are going to get high level answers. I would start contributing to a Roth IRA. Keep in mind contributing to a tIRA or 401k for tax benefits.

You can also save for a house. Since you are thinking in the next 5 years, i would put these house funds into a HYSA. You might be able to take some of your emergency fund for this, if you a very confident your job and industry are fairly secure.

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