[OHIO] Please email Kimberly Hall the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services..


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[OHIO] Kimberly Hall is the head of Ohio Jobs and Family Services. Her email is [kimberly.hall@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:kimberly.hall@jfs.ohio.gov). She needs to hear the suffering we are going through because they are paying $0 now on unemployment to Ohioans while 18 other states are already paying the benefits from the new stimulus bill. They haven't even given us a time table of when to expect payments to begin. This is unconscionable! Everyone please push her to let us know what is going on. We deserve at least a time estimate so we can plan!!!!! We have power in numbers!!

EDIT: Bret Crow's email is: [Bret.Crow@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:Bret.Crow@jfs.ohio.gov)

EDIT 1/6

I just got an email from Kimberly Hall Henderson after asking why she wouldn't send a communication directly to people on unemployment???


3:22 PM (6 minutes ago)📷****📷to [Kimberly.Henderson@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:Kimberly.Henderson@jfs.ohio.gov), [Bret.Crow@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:Bret.Crow@jfs.ohio.gov), [Shancie.Jenkins@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:Shancie.Jenkins@jfs.ohio.gov), [Jill.Schuler@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:Jill.Schuler@jfs.ohio.gov), [Jeff.Eckert2@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:Jeff.Eckert2@jfs.ohio.gov), [Molly.Rafeld@jfs.ohio.gov](mailto:Molly.Rafeld@jfs.ohio.gov), me 📷 Mr. Shepard- Your tone continues to be unprofessional, but I will share that I did a full media briefing today from Columbus with multiple major media outlets present — not just Dayton. I have implored my comms team to post updates and will be sure that everything that I shared today gets put onto the website. "

Kind regards,

Kimberly L. Henderson
@stuartrh It’s insane. The $300 FPUC and PUA/PUEC extensions were known and negotiated for weeks. It’s absolutely ridiculous that they couldn’t have put something together to prevent this shit from happening. I can understand the first week or two during the holidays and with Trumps delay being problematic, but it’s absolutely unacceptable the the issue has not been fixed or at least a clear plan announced by now. Unconscionable. Ohio has consistently failed the unemployed at every turn since day 1 of this pandemic.

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