OB office said the insurance took the money back and I have to pay $300.


New member
I have a UHC family from my job which is $3,000 deductible. So I went to my OB to do an annual checkup and IUD removal in June.
Yesterday I went back bc I’m pregnant and they call me inside asking if I knew that I owe $300. I said no and I haven’t received any bill in my mail box. I rapidly checked my UHC app and could see three claims:

  • Claim code: D1 surgery
    Total amount billed $300
    Plan discount $ 79
    Plan paid $ 221

I showed them that the insurance paid them and asked why they are charging me $300 if the insurance gave the discount? She said that the insurance paid but they took the money back and they could give me a discount “no problem”. 😅
So I asked her to print the statement and I would call my insurance. I talked to the UHC on the app (chat) and they confirmed that the payment was made to the office and I don’t owe anything. I even asked UHC to check the second claim to make sure that I don’t owe anything.

  • Claim code: wellness exame adult D1 - E5
    Total amount billed $ 275
    Plan discount $ 45.92
    Plan paid $ 8.08
    UHC said the claim also was paid and it was ok. I don’t owe anything either.

The third claim was just a urine analyses code UG which I owe $4.22.

I asked UHC to call them and let me know when everything is solved but I feel that the office will keep asking me to pay the $300.

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