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What are the pros and cons of working in consulting right after a business undergrad degree? I am a 23 yr old in AB with over a year's worth of experience in Oil and Gas. It's comfortable, relatively secure (company-specific) and high paying with tons of benefits, but I feel slightly unhappy.

However, I am also drawn to the immense learning opportunities that strategy and operations consulting offers. Even though the pay is significantly less, and I'll be working much more hours, it seems like it could be a great opportunity to research, grow rapidly and be around people my own age.

If you have experience in consulting or oil and gas or are even a mature professional settled where you are happy, and had offers to both opportunities, which would you take and why? I feel nervous about my future, and know that the first few years can be imperative to where I end up in the long-term.
@resjudicata This. I have several friends who were Big 4 in strategy consulting, and are now in oil and gas, and they are VERY glad they made the move. All of them spent years trying to get industry jobs. The pay was literally a third of what they get in oil and gas.

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