NZX trend predictions V,L,W,U?


New member
Interested to hear people opinions on what they think will happen in the coming months with regards to the NZX and their reasons for.

Who is still waiting for another possible significant drop in share prices before they buy back in?
@szilvia My opinion:

US Markets going to tank hard to new bottoms.

NZ market will follow suit, but with slightly less severity.

Reason: essentially every economic indicator and/or fundamental possible. Only reason markets are currently up because it's been artificially pumped by the US money printers.
@beline So I see that the US is looking at further stimulus as the first lot has been burned though already. How do you see that affecting the markets, especially as the US lockdown is due to lift in a few weeks.
@snapdouyinapp You know how their president talks, all about hope.

Hope the virus disappear in April like a miracle..

Hope to open up by easter with churches packed..

Hope to open on the 1st of May, or even before..

While he just issued guidelines saying states should not reopen unless they had 14 days with number of new cases decreasing.

He is just a cheerleader, look at what they are actually doing, not what he hope for.
@szilvia I bought largely near the bottom for a lot of companies on NZX, I was expecting a further dip if not worse after an initial resurgence post the initial drop. Who knows for certain, but I'd be guessing with what's to come there should be further significant drops

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