Not renewed after 3 claims. Now uninsurable

@gdinspirations I know this is an old post but I hope you had luck? We're in the same boat right now since we had a 5k water claim 2 years ago and I'm reaching out to multiple companies now.
@samjtomes No luck, but check LexisNexis.. that is who is providing all the info that seems to be getting me declined.. had my wife in two separate accidents on same day, one was right, the other had another 8k of damages put on...
They have a consumer page to request your info.. I would do that and contest all the data.. mine is like 250 pages of crap from last 30 years.. has all kinds of incorrect shit on it.
@sharpya88 I didn’t even know you could be denied from FAIR. The whole point is an insurance of last resort. If you’re being denied from FAIR Your lender may not be able to get you force plated coverage either

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