@resjudicata I did this last year. The PK was not happy about it. And they said I have disadvantages in case of death or invalidity. When I log into my PK account I cannot see these disadvantages. I guess not many people did it before. But I gave it a try.
@am29 Say said my Invaliditätsrente would lower if I don't transfer everything. I can login at my PK and see my Invaliditätsrente. In my account I cannot see that it has been lowered.

So no. I was not forced. And I didn't do it. I feel a little bit like a criminal but I like it
@seeking456 I wonder if it’s possible to get the surobligatory part out of my existing second pillar and transfer it into a freizügigkeitskonto. It would do so much better in the long run.

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