Noob Q about my salary slip


New member
Hi everyone!

Sorry this is a noob question.. i know.. 😅 but I got my salary slip and it has everything, Basic+PF contribution etc etc.. what I don't understand is ADA.

What is ADA?

Is it Dearness allowance? And why isn't it written as DA just?
@believing2015 Could be Arrears. If you have started working in mid of their salary cycle, some part of your compensation will be Arrears.

Also, ask HR. It's as simple as that. I know it's a noob question, but if you are intelligent enough to get a job, you are intelligent enough to ask the right question to right person. 😅

Please update though, once you get to know..
@believing2015 Never heard of ADA. You might be able to understand whether it's DA or not by looking at other components. DA is paid only to government employees. Are you a government employee? If yes, then check if your HRA is 50%/40% of basic or basic+ada. Or you can check if epf is 12% of your basic+ada or only basic. If ada is getting involved in these calculations, then it is DA otherwise not, it might be some kind of other allowance given by your employer.
@avery123 No. Private sector employee.
Basic is 76500
ADA - 32130
Hra - 20655
And PF contribution is 13036

As per your formula, it seems like it's DA only right? As in the 12% formula... Right?

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