
New member
Wondering a few things

Firstly, here’s the scenario: someone else hit my parked car whilst I WAS NOT IN THE VEHICLE. I claimed on their insurance and didn’t go though mine at all - a handler did it for me. Their insurance payed out.
  1. Do I need to tell insurance when taking out future quotes that I have a non fault claim if the claim was on the third party insurance and not on my own insurance?
  2. How can the insurance find out about a past claim if I never went through my own insurance?
  3. I get that they will increase the price even for a non fault claim as according to them your more likely to have another accident BUT if the accident occurred in my parked car when I wasn’t even in it surely there is no logic to say I am more at risk and surely they shouldn’t put up the price for that? Does it even count as an accident or claim as I WASNT in the car and I didn’t claim on my OWN insurance?
  1. Yes, if asked because if you say no, that's a lie.
  2. They can easily know so it's pointless in trying to hide it.
  3. Yes is counts as a claim because there was a claim.
  1. I would recommend letting them know, bc most companies will offer you a quote without pulling reports (claims connected to the vehicle and violations connected to your DL) which will give you a better rate at first, but 30 days later - when they are required to pull reports - you get hit with a increase on your monthly bill.
  2. All insurance companies report to the same system - LexisNexis. When your renewal is 30 days out, they will rerun your info through LexisNexis and add/remove any claims/violations that need to updated.

    P.S. Insurance companies only surcharge you for any accidents/violation in the past 3-5 years. After 5 years, they fall off of your reports.
  3. A claim is a claim in the insurance world.

    Doesn't matter if you were in the vehicle or not, or if there was any payout for the claim or not.

    It is always best to speak to your agent about making a claim to confirm there is indeed coverage, but that the claim is worth it burden of carrying that claim for the next 5 years and affecting your insurance rates.

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